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  1. Prozon

    need help got a leak *****

    Why would a head gasket leak oil out of the side of the head? If you had a problem that allowed OIL to somehow get that far out of the head you would most certainly notice other ill effects such as white smoke or coolant in the oil. Hit up DLO253 for a new cam seal. He makes some baller parts...

  2. Prozon

    2jz swap?

    Of course it's possible. What kind of question is that? The question is- can YOU do it? If you have to ask then I really doubt it. You could pay a shop twenty or thirty grand to build it for you.. but who has that kind of money?
  3. Prozon

    How to primer car?

    Keep in mind some primer has a specific time you can spray paint on. Otherwise you'll be re-sanding it. If the car is already sanded- clean it with alcohol then point and shoot.
  4. Prozon

    91 DB1 high idle

    Is your throttle cable too tight? Coolant system bled out of all the air?
  5. Prozon

    Interior lights and dashboard don't work.

    Obviously something is shorting if you're blowing fuses. It's up to you to start tracing wires. You can't honestly believe we can fix it over the internet, right?
  6. Prozon

    Suggestions - gravedigging and FS threads

    It would be nice to have a popup telling you that it's old. It might cut down on old threads being bumped just to mention something completely irrelevant. I really don't mind an old thread being pulled up to answer the original question though. Often when i'm searching the web for an answer I...
  7. Prozon

    wrecked the teg :(

    I was about to comment on this.. the only thing liability is for is paying for any damage you do ELSEWHERE. Your own car is all on you.
  8. Prozon

    Transmission work

    Removing those requires fully disassembling the transmission. The bearings do not simply slide on and off either- they need to be pressed on and off. Take it from someone who has rebuilt these transmissions- if you're going to do it- do it right, do it once.
  9. Prozon

    The official Cascade Honda Crew thread.

    My transmissions are always fresh. I rebuild all of them I own haha.
  10. Prozon

    Getting the ball rolling

    So what are the damn specs?

  11. Prozon

    Does this sound like a good idea?

    The wiring isn't the hard part.. To answer the OP; no, it sounds like a HORRIBLE idea. There is much much more to LSVtec then just bolting the head on.. You REALLY need to search before you post things like this. All these LS/V threads are...
  12. Prozon

    Old radiator leaking, suggestions for new one?

    There are several cheaper alternatives. If you want an OEM style replacement, you can easily find one from, Autozone, O'Rileys, basically whatever auto parts stores you have around you. (All for under $100.) If you want to spend more you can buy full built up shiny race radiators...
  13. Prozon

    B18B1 Ls Vtec Conversion

    That's incorrect. They may be cheaper, but building a LS/V motor for the same power is not cheap. They are NOT stronger motors however. As far as sleeves and such go- they are equal. The C1's generally have higher compression and the heads flow better. Building for high horsepower the C1's are...
  14. Prozon

    The official Cascade Honda Crew thread.

    Don't even get me started on short gears. My Samurai has 5.12 axle gears- it runs at like 3200 at 50mph. It tops out around 65mph.. and that takes quite a bit to get to lol. I'd kill for the hundred something horsepower an integra has (in the samurai.) I've been driving that to work the last few...
  15. Prozon

    second gen clip

    Well the front clip is usually the fenders, hood, bumper and support and sometimes the radiator support. You would need all of these to switch front ends. That being said, I think it would look a little off on a gen 1 and it wouldn't be too simple to swap. It would probably require a bit of work...
  16. Prozon

    Getting the ball rolling

    How do they get your name wrong and your hp off by 500hp? You sure that's you? ;)
  17. Prozon

    Transmission work

    You're just going to have to ask around.. i'm not sure if you can even find anyone to. If you're replacing your bearings you might as well replace the synchros and seals as well- as you will have everything apart anyways. It would be dumb not to. You basically need to find someone to do a...
  18. Prozon

    B18B1 Ls Vtec Conversion

    LS/Vtec is fairly common. As was mentioned- GOOGLE it. If you can't find an answer you shouldn't be modding your car. I agree you should just drop a C1 in.
  19. Prozon

    Idle problems

    You really shouldn't even worry about diagnosing it yourself. The shop should make it right regardless, they are responsible for getting your car running right- I assume you're paying them a good chunk of change. If they don't, I would say a lawsuit is in order.
  20. Prozon

    Interior lights and dashboard don't work.

    You need to take a more active approach to fixing your issue, bumping the thread won't do that. It sounds like you have some radio wires shorting out. Make sure all the wires are taped up if they are bare. A wire short would continuously blow the fuse. However, there is a light for...