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  1. Prozon

    ^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^

    Yes. Yes I am sure you can. ..not from me though, that would be weird. Go hug a hobo or something. You both need it.

  2. Prozon

    ^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^

    Somebody didn't hug you enough as a child. :???:
  3. Prozon

    breather box

    On most of our cars the PCV valve sits in the breather box. On Obd2 cars it is in the valve cover. I'm not sure if that's why they deleted it, but I see no reason to have the box with the PCV valve relocated.
  4. Prozon

    breather box

    The breather box is on motors both non-vtec and vtec. It is the same throughout the years. OBD2 does not have one at all.
  5. Prozon

    acceleration issue really need advice

    I agree with the above comment. If your check engine light is on get that checked out first. If it's on, it's on for a reason. If you haven't done it before a basic tune-up including the distributor cap and rotor it could be in order. On top of what we have already recommended, it should be...
  6. Prozon

    can i keep my ac if i go turbo

    That's kind of an odd analogy, and not all that accurate. It all depends on the power goals.. you don't necessarily need to upgrade all that- if anything depending on your goals. Personally I don't know a whole lot about turbocharging K20's as far as the power limits go. But you're not asking...
  7. Prozon

    looking for ways to gain better control

    Dropping the car's center of gravity will more than likely give you much better handling- it did for mine anyways. Why do you say "besides tires" ? Out of all the modifications I did to my Integra to make it handle, I think the tires was by far the most effective.
  8. Prozon

    is it true....

    You shouldn't just buy a fuel pump. 90% of the time when I see the fuel pump priming it's because of something else.
  9. Prozon

    Getting the ball rolling

    Most aftermarket sleeves are 84mm. So you're not really worrying about "boring out" stock cylinders if you resleeve the block. (And 1.96 is close enough to 2.0 for me to call it that.) I however do not know how close they actually get. I know there are stroker kits for sale that boast it...
  10. Prozon

    The official Cascade Honda Crew thread.

    There are usually quite a few meets during the warmer months at Pacific Raceways.

  11. Prozon

    Getting the ball rolling

    Hey bud, did you find those specs? I'm anxious to compare to my build. :thumbs up
  12. Prozon

    Things that annoy you thread.

    You know what annoys me? When all my pictures in my build thread go missing. I just took an hour to restore all the pictures of my Jeep's build thread. I don't even want to look at my Integra's because theres a lot more pictures spread over a greater amount of time. If those all went missing i'm...
  13. Prozon

    Prozon's '77 Jeep Build

    It took me almost an hour to restore all those pictures. There is quite a few I didnt readd simply because I didnt know where they went, but I tried my best. Sorry if the pictures are out of order now lol.
  14. Prozon

    Prozon's '77 Jeep Build

    Er... so none of the pictures are loading for you either? Lol. That's odd. They were fine before I went AWOL... I guess I will go back through and fix all those lol. It's odd because all the pictures are in the same location as they were before.. not sure what changed. BAH!!
  15. Prozon

    Prozon's '77 Jeep Build

    So I guess I kind of went AWOL. Started work again.. I really haven't done much to the Jeep but I did work on the rest of the wiring. (I eliminated more wiring lol.) Even with new wiring I was having a lot of issues because of rusty connections. After a half hour of troubleshooting, some...
  16. Prozon

    How To/DIY List

    Of course, I added them. If you have any more let me know! Thanks and keep them coming. :thumbs up
  17. Prozon

    How To/DIY List

    Updated the "Cause For Alarm" valve lash adjustment link. He moved webhosts.
  18. Prozon

    Radiators compatible with turbo

    You would probably be better off with a 3 core half radiator rather then a stock full size.
  19. Prozon

    90 integra transmission swap help!

    I believe it has something to do with some wiring. You're supposed to do something with the wires to make the car think it's in Park, to release the keys. Google it, I suppose..
  20. Prozon

    Getting the ball rolling

    Well i'm anxious to know when you actually figure out what this motor has. Lol.