Idle problems


New Member
Have a 2001 Integra.In California had a turbo put on with new pistons and the works.Ran great brought it home and now that cold weather is here having a hard time idling after starting up.Speed shop put in a new computer and cut the wires to the throttle positioning sensor.Put a big gob of glue on the wires said it had to be like that to keep the check engine lite out.Runs great after it warms up butwhen idleing cold spits and sputters when I move that glob of glue wire setup it will die as a short or something.Sorry for not posting more info but ask me and ill try to answer back.


Not a M0derator
They cut the TPS wires? That makes absolutely no sense. TPS is required. If the sensor is bad then fix it! Poor engine start and idle is most likely due to speed shop not being able to tune the calibration during those conditions. Few tuners have the car when its actually cold out or even when the engine is fully cooled therefore those conditions are never tuned. Id tell you to go back for a touch up on the tune but they sound real unprofessional about that TPS issue.


New Member
rough idle

Yeah they cut the tps wires but spliced some back together and put a gob of that hot glue over it.The tps is still on not hooked up.Runs great once warm but I can jiggle the wired and it will stall and I dont want that.Guess ill just have to maybe see whats under that blob of hot glue and try to see whats lose.My engine lite is not on but he said it will stay on if I get a plug and hook the tps up.Should have left it alone They just didnt do it right but thats all done now.


You really shouldn't even worry about diagnosing it yourself. The shop should make it right regardless, they are responsible for getting your car running right- I assume you're paying them a good chunk of change. If they don't, I would say a lawsuit is in order.


Integra Atheist
you really shouldn't even worry about diagnosing it yourself. The shop should make it right regardless, they are responsible for getting your car running right- i assume you're paying them a good chunk of change. If they don't, i would say a lawsuit is in order.