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  1. Theasian

    ITR Rod bearing help

    Yea I was hoping to not have to deal with plastigauge. Still got everything on my bench at work. Oh well. Thanks

  2. Theasian

    Good news Bad news

    I've heard nothing but bad things about d2 like no difference between dampening adjustment leak piston rattle etc etc. But some people really seem to love them. Depending on what you want to do. Koni yellow gc for a auto cross or something with tein s-tech springs for comfortable dd
  3. Theasian

    ITR Rod bearing help

    Ok so im having issues figuring out the rod number for selecting bearings. You know normally on the side of the rod its marked 1-4 or has hash marks 1-4 but my rods don't. They have acid etched 24 on them and I've never ran into this before. All the rods are Oem p72 rods. I've had the engine...
  4. Theasian

    Need a little help properly wiring jdm headlights (please read)

    Use that diagram in the thread in honda tech and see where you have power going. Its wired wrong. We can't really fix it online because we have no idea whY your friend did.
  5. Theasian

    Need a little help properly wiring jdm headlights (please read) Tword the bottom of the first post is a good pic of the connector and what pins go where. Also the lights on all the time are the city lights not fogs.
  6. Theasian

    Broken cam cap/journal..

    Just get one from another head. Its not "absolute proper" way to fix this but you'll be fine
  7. Theasian

    01 GSR Issues..

    Take the dizzy cap off look for any loose connections inside and metal. The rotor set scene for example. Check your wiring connector at the distributor look for cracks in the wires at the connector. Also check the connectors at the ecu. If it dose this again check resistance of the sensors...
  8. Theasian

    01 GSR Issues..

    Wait y'all are right I mis read that. Dizzy is likely source of issue. But again check your connector at the dizzy for corrosion.
  9. Theasian

    01 GSR Issues..

    Hmmmm. Its hard to say for certain w.o out access to a scope to test the tdc sensor output. But given the symptoms I would say its very possible the tdc sensor is going out. Check the connector by the alt. I've seen corrosion cause poor Sig. The sensor is located at the crankshaft. I would...
  10. Theasian

    WANTED: "How-To's" What do you want to see? Make a Request!

    Which door molding are you asking about. The door seal?

  11. Theasian

    PCV valve-to-crankcase hose. Help!

    The hose being broke you may notice some oil coming out just small amounts. Plug the other side of the hose going into the manifold. Or else you will be drawing air from atmosphere basically a big vacuume leak. You don't have to worry about blowing seals out because basically instead of the...
  12. Theasian

    A Few "racecar" questions

    With additional weight I wouldn't delete the brake booster. Personally I hate cars w.o them they never really feel right and I've found modulating a bit harder. What are you running the car for drag?
  13. Theasian

    1999 Integra Ls won't get a spark!!

    Sounds like symptoms of either a bad ignition coil or ignition control module both are in the distance. Google search a how to on how to test them that's the easiest way there are a few write ups out there But for giggles when the car sings starting can you hear your fuel pump prime in accII...
  14. Theasian


    Or wiring possibly if its a voltage high your looking at a open. Voltage low short to ground likely. Like said above and I mentioned we need more info to better help
  15. Theasian


    89-01 was the production run I believe may be off by a year or two. Obd0-obd2 engines.
  16. Theasian


    Depend what gen b16 and edu you have. More info is needed
  17. Theasian


    There are two types of caps dense and show a. Also know as A or B caps. Any parts store carrots both just need to get them both and return the on that dosing work.
  18. Theasian

    Concerning exhaust pipe movement

    No exhaust flow dosing have any control over movement.
  19. Theasian

    ac hissing

    Same machine we use. I agree its likely a o-ring bad. Since you have access to a good machine I assume you have access to a sniffer. Use that and look around