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  1. Theasian

    B18C1 Swapped Hatch - Burning Oil Question

    Do you get any noticeable oil burn leaving a light or any on first start up. Smoke puff on decel high vacume is a sign of bad valve seals or valve guides. Since you've replace the seals the guides are where I'd look at. Did you happen to do a wet leak down test. Me personally I wouldnt be to...

  2. Theasian

    My 98' Gsr

    Beautiful car what all is done to it already.
  3. Theasian

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    First bit of advice I got that damn box is heavy. So lift with legs. I thought about a 5 lug for wheels but decided to stick with the boring old four
  4. Theasian

    what brand is this camber kit

    Holly cow batman! Nice koni gc though. Was the post studs beating the tower
  5. Theasian

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    Ah no my hardrace is for a LS I already have F7 rear lca and bc coilovers. Have you installed yours yet how was the install. I went through all my suspension bolts already and I only have 2 seized bolts yaahh
  6. Theasian

    tie rod advise

    Here's a decent youtube video of how to check you tie rods and ball joints
  7. Theasian

    98 integra abs delete question

    The si prop valve is about 100 bucks shipped looking at honda oem parts sites. Once my ss lines are in I'm gonna tackle this so next weekend or week after maybe. Im doing all the work at my work so car has to be able to roll in and out of the shop with brakes. It took some digging but I have...
  8. Theasian

    blown engine... what goes first? need an answer**

    True. I like discussions though that's all aussie collective knowledge helps everybody. I agree with you most likely he's looking at needing bearings. I from my experiance ild say half the time with bearing damage I've found camshaft and cam journal damage
  9. Theasian

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    Are you talking about the compliance bushings?
  10. Theasian

    blown engine... what goes first? need an answer**

    You can't guarantee the head will be fine. If he has ran low multiple times cams could be scorched or worn rockers and lobs wearing. Sounds can help you determin what failed you can speculate what else failed and what hasn't. The best thing to do is tear down and inspect.

  11. Theasian

    tie rod advise

    Hold on a second. When dose the wheel shake. Jack your front end up and shake down the front end and check your tie rods before you go and toss money at it and find iut it dosnt fix your problem. Spitfire where did you get changing a inner tie rod could cause the rack to leak. A inner tie rod...
  12. Theasian

    blown engine... what goes first? need an answer**

    There is no perfect awnser if that's what your looking for your going to have to tear down and inspect the engine for damage.
  13. Theasian

    My 98' Gsr

    Looks good. How many miles.
  14. Theasian

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    Got a bunch of parts in. Hard race full bushing kit. Finally picked up the asr subframe brace I bought from someone who blew out a hole misinstalling it. Corner lights. ITR front sway bar. More comming soon
  15. Theasian

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

  16. Theasian

    Low idle then dies

    Check for carbon build up around the throttle body and the idle air control valve. It may be sticking or not working. Thats where I would start.
  17. Theasian

    hard decision

    Get someone to photoshop the colors
  18. Theasian

    Trouble changing headers now car cranks and won't start.

    Can you hear the fuel pump prime turn key to accII and you should hear the main relay click and fuel pump prime for a few seconds
  19. Theasian

    98 integra abs delete question

    No rs at our upp. That and the ek valve I git bolts directly up to the firewall no mod or brackets needed. I kinda mocked it up and the front line will require some self made lines or use of eg lines I believe. Ek lines run through front of the shock assembly while my teg runs behind.