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  1. 96LSteg

    `*How-To/DIY: Wire Tucking Engine Bay Side Harnesses for 94-01 3rd Generation Integra

    Did you have to extend any of these wires or were they all good as far as length?

  2. 96LSteg

    B18A1 head swapped with a VTEC

    put the 3.5L vtec head with the 2.0 wipple S/C
  3. 96LSteg

    --== [[ CLUB-INTEGRA GAMERs LOUNGE:: Xbox // PlayStation // Wii // PC ]] ==--

    Anybody play Destiny on PS4???
  4. 96LSteg

    CEL came on. Rough/stall idle at red lights

    read over that part :lol: I still want to know if he is or isnt throwing codes...
  5. 96LSteg

    The Integra may be making a comeback

    The 8th gen accords are sex. I have a 8th gen sedan that I plan to achieve the same look in the pic you posted.
  6. 96LSteg

    CEL came on. Rough/stall idle at red lights

    We dont know for a fact if he has an ignition issue. OP, are you still not throwing any codes? if so, fix them and then we can continue...
  7. 96LSteg

    CEL came on. Rough/stall idle at red lights

    That could cause your issue as that crushed part could be restricting
  8. 96LSteg

    CEL came on. Rough/stall idle at red lights

    That wont be the cause of your poor idle/stall. You need to check for: other Vac leaks (hoses or improper seals between TB and IM/IM to head) Check compression Check valve lash Check spark plugs: When were they last changed? Check coolant levels (bleed system after opening) And you really...

  9. 96LSteg

    The official Cascade Honda Crew thread.

    You could always come to the East Coast and pick my teg up....dont know if it will make it back your way tho :lol:
  10. 96LSteg

    CEL came on. Rough/stall idle at red lights

    drive it until it throws a CEL again... it could be a number of things causing this issue...Eliminating the codes before buying random parts is a good start.
  11. 96LSteg

    The official Cascade Honda Crew thread.

    I can share with you my Service manual and you can learn your self :lol: and drink all of your booze, I mean tools....
  12. 96LSteg

    New gsr

    FYI - A lot of people dont know that the NAPA sells Gates timing belts under the NAPA name. Its not the fancy blue ones that everyone likes to get, but its Gates. Same name, same quality. Just food for though before you spend extra money on the pretty blue one :lol: I would also stay away...
  13. 96LSteg

    Spitfire8o5's TimeAttack DC #117 Build

    That thing is gorgeous man! Where'd that Audi go? :lol:
  14. 96LSteg


    I am loving the progress here! ust think of the blown HG as a minor set back for a major come back!
  15. 96LSteg

    GSR not going into second, shifter does.

    When is the last time your fluid was changed? I would change the fluid and see if that helps with the grinding. Are you sure you are putting it all the way into gear? Does it pop out of 2nd when you can get it to go in?
  16. 96LSteg

    Boggy starts after engine is warmed up

    This. I want to know the brand as well. Those universal ones are shitty to. Denso is the way to go. waaaay more expensive but worth it.
  17. 96LSteg

    Boggy starts after engine is warmed up

    Im going with primary o2 sensor. Let me explain..... I had this same issue. When the car is cold it bases its AFR off of the MAP sensor ( i believe its called open loop?). Once the primary o2 sensor is heated up to operating temp, the ecu then bases its AFR off of that sensor (I believe this is...