*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Super Moderator
I guess it doesn't really matter. If you were worried about that you wouldn't have traded your Thermal exhaust for a stock setup


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
you must like wearing girls clothing often.
hey clear that out of your mind buddy. :lol:

the only person that wears tight clothes on this club is the girls and kuchta.


The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
I guess it doesn't really matter. If you were worried about that you wouldn't have traded your Thermal exhaust for a stock setup
Well....... trading that did more than pay for the cut-out I wanted. But I talked myself out of spending that $. MY real delema is why spend $ if I wanna sell it? When you sell a car mods mostly decrease value. Expecially a 3in exhaust with a 4in tip. Soon, someone will buy this.

Damn I cant stand not moding my car. Im soo used to doing something at least once a month. Maitnance has been keeping me busy for now. But maitnance is boring. Not to mention I have about $800 in parts on my shelf I dont want to put on this car.


Super Moderator
Sounds like you have some decisions to make........the same one you've been trying to make forever :lol:

What parts do you have laying around?

I'd probably be rich if I cleaned my garage and sold everything....lol......seriously!
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The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
Sounds like you have some decisions to make........the same one you've been trying to make forever :lol:

What parts do you have laying around?

I'd probably be rich if I cleaned my garage and sold everything lol
Yea, ive basically made up my mind to sell it. So decision made. It just burns me up inside having a car with all this potential just $400 away.

Damn, IDK where to start. Lets just say alot of parts. I want to find a local to sell my crap too. I dont feel like Ebaying my crap


Super Moderator
Do you have any DSM parts that I might be interested in?

even though I have like half a GSX in my garage. I have so much crap....and it just keeps building up


Super Moderator
Don't really need stock parts. I have way too many as it is.

I still have thing that I ever pulled off and replaced on my GSX (tons of stuff lol), plus a GSX tranny, another set of rims/tires, plus some random teg parts and a KA24DE

I need to have a garage sell. I just can't decide what I want to sell


The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
Don't really need stock parts. I have way too many as it is.

I still have thing that I ever pulled off and replaced on my GSX (tons of stuff lol), plus a GSX tranny, another set of rims/tires, plus some random teg parts and a KA24DE

I need to have a garage sell. I just can't decide what I want to sell
Hum, May need that spare tranny of yours if something goes bad soon. My trans just feels ROUGH! I dunno, I think its just a motor mount shot making all that klunking. The shifter is loose/long like no other too. But I think thats just OEM for ya. Oh and you get that shifter not engauging a gear when stopped? Like..umm... you need to roll it a bit it get it to sync? Its only when not moving like in 1st or reverse. Know what I mean?? I think thats normal. But then again this IS my first manual car to DD


Super Moderator
speedin said:
Hum, May need that spare tranny of yours if something goes bad soon. My trans just feels ROUGH! I dunno, I think its just a motor mount shot making all that klunking. The shifter is loose/long like no other too. But I think thats just OEM for ya. Oh and you get that shifter not engauging a gear when stopped? Like..umm... you need to roll it a bit it get it to sync? Its only when not moving like in 1st or reverse. Know what I mean?? I think thats normal. But then again this IS my first manual car to DD
I've been keeping the tranny for the thought of going to a full, synchro-less, dog engagement gearbox. But yeah, the first and reverse thing is normal. Neither of mine ever liked to go into reverse. You have to let the clutch out just a little to get it in or double clutch to get the synchro and gear going the same speed. Reverse will not go in at all on either if you are rolling....well it will, but you will NOT like the noise it makes. Gotta be stopped for that one..lol

I've been thinking about getting the extended slave cylinder rod for my GST just because I like the way it tighten my GSX clutch....but of course it is pretty much required for the clutch I have on it
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The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
I've been keeping the tranny for the thought of going to a full, synchro-less, dog engagement gearbox. But yeah, the first and reverse thing is normal. Neither of mine ever liked to go into reverse. You have to let the clutch out just a little to get it in or double clutch to get the synchro and gear going the same speed. Reverse will not go in at all on either if you are rolling....well it will, but you will NOT like the noise it makes. Gotta be stopped for that one..lol

I've been thinking about getting the extended slave cylinder rod for my GST just because I like the way it tighten my GSX clutch
Yea, I doubt my tranny is in bad shape. I just think I have a worn engine mount pitching. And that the OEM Eclipse shifter has looser longer throws than a truck.

I need a new clutch master clyinder. Mine leaks at the firewall. But SHHHHH, im going to let the next owner do that. Ill just keep topping it off


Super Moderator
It leaks but still holds pressure? I know you seriously aren't driving around pumping it up all the time. lol

I probably have an M/C in my garage
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The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
It leaks but still holds pressure? I know you seriously aren't driving around pumping it up all the time. lol
NO, it holds pressure. It can actually shift fast too. Just cant do fast shifts into 5th. Now that you say that....it is odd isnt it? hum


Super Moderator
speedin said:
NO, it holds pressure. It can actually shift fast too. Just cant do fast shifts into 5th. Now that you say that....it is odd isnt it? hum
Yeah, kinda wierd that it holds pressure. They usually don't if there is any leak in the hydraulic system. I've had to deal with this twice, both times I worked my ass off pumping it up to get pressure so I could get the car home

You should probably replace it before you end up stuck somewhere. I can't believe it hold pressure anyway
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