*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Ominous G2

Good call, cant wait to see this teg done. Guy is in Team Emotion so my expectations are high.

Woot bidding on 92 cluster for my teg on ebay, swap the faces out.


i'm tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired and i feel soooo fucking shitty. one of my sisters insists that i have pneumonia. i think i just have a weak immune system lol ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i should try to sleep, because god knows i need it. that's probably why i'm always getting sick. okie the end.


Super Moderator
Alcohol kills bacteria! lol

I don't sleep much at all either....ever. Maybe I just have a hell of an immune system :what:


Super Moderator
I know the feeling. but I'm used to it. I work about 40 hrs a week atleast and take 15 credit hours this semester and still booze and whore it up on CI till 3am or so. I go to bed about 3 or 4am every week night and get up at 6:45am to be at work and leave straight from there to go to school

Gotta pay to play......gotta work hard to afford it


lol i don't drink on the weekdays anymore.

i use to be able to function normally with a few hours of sleep, but not anymore. i fell asleep at work today. that felt good. lol


Super Moderator
I make up for it on weekends. Party till 4 or 5am and sleep till 3pm the next day. Feel like a new person by monday. I guess I'm just used to sleep deprevation. lol
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