yet another PHILLY MEET


a.k.a. crabs!
^yeah i know... i have no room. but theres still food and drinks. we can probably all provide our own beverages but as far as food we may be able to split it up between everyone. someone brings burgers another brings hot dogs another brings buns another grabs some condiments and so on. and if one person forgets something we may end up being screwed lol

just a thought. suggestions are welcome...


a.k.a. crabs!
that could work too. i just thought the bbq in the park was a cool idea. but overall its up to you guys


a.k.a. crabs!
maybe maybe. though i would probably get lost on the way home haha. just one thing with the cruising though... if we decide to cruise somewhere we all gotta be careful and make sure we try to go where we wont run into cops. i mean we wont be doing anything bad its just im sure there may be a few people there whos cars have something done to them where it would cause them to get pulled over (such as my lack of muffler). so anywho... we just need to have a good time and do our thing


a.k.a. crabs!
i came across a pretty big nsx site but dont remember what it was. someone should post on there so thatall our cars look like junk sitting next to them lol


a.k.a. crabs!
damn right we will be. you are banned from bringing the si so you have no choice lol. unless of course youre gonna give me the wheels off of it :thumbs up

Ominous G2

Im pretty sure I can bring her this year, but thinking about rolling her into the garage the day after. Starting on the body work, that would be sweet. Plus I have 2 weeks of vacation to use by october, what better way to use it then do work on the teg.