yet another PHILLY MEET


a.k.a. crabs!
^agreed. thats about what i need. i have a couple hundred dollars worth of parts in my room and no time to do anything with them between work and school. and plus i need some body work and paint cause i still have that dent from last year that needs to be delt with. and thats the worst part. i graduate october at the earliest and thats pretty much the first chance i will have to get it fixed because i have no other way of transportation.

but anywho... june 3rd! the big day! everyone spread the word! :banana:


Honda / Acura Fanatic
^ ominous bring the teg! i still have'nt gotten my dent fixed:oops: the nsx site you are talking about is nsxprime. when the last week of april comes we have to start advertising this meet everywhere. im bringing a freaking chair and a tent this time.


a.k.a. crabs!
yes! nsxprime! thats it lol. yeah im gonna try to bring a chair too. dont think i will be bringing a tent though. im hoping it wont be too excessively hot out. hopefully 75-80 and a bit breezy. if i remember tonight i am going to register on nsxprime and try to spread the word a little bit on there. hopefully they will all be cool about a newb to the site trying to invite them to a meet unlike TST

Ominous G2

Alright teg will be there, hopefully I can get rimmed up and dropped by then.

Ominous G2

So right after the meet is over, teg is starting body work. This is gonna kick ass, I cant wait for fresh paint.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
yeah nothing new has been done to mine yet. i dont think ill even have any mods or my dent fixed by the meet. lol ive been lazy.


a.k.a. crabs!
teg9five said:
so its nearing spring time and ive decided to make last years meet into an anual thing. last year i held the meet in september and all though it was a small turn out we all had a great time. this year however... ive decided to have the meet a bit earlier. i have not come up with a definate date yet but just as a reference (which may end up as the real date) i am going to go with sunday june 3rd at noon. it will be in the same place as last year at the best buy on columbus blvd. if you follow the parking lot around the building there is a fence and on the other side is an impound lot. we will be meeting along those parking spaces. all hondas are welcome as i will be trying to spread the word so everyone is welcome to pass this along on other forums. also bringing food and drinks may be a good idea as well because last year was a bit hot out and we all got pretty hungry. chick-fil-a is in the same parking lot but will be closed since its a sunday.

WHO: hondas hondas and more hondas
WHERE: best buy on columbus blvd in philly
WHEN: sunday june 3rd at noon

also it was a small meet last year and the security guy was cool about us being there and didnt kick us out but please lets not get kicked for doing stupid things this year (burn outs, racing, etc).