

the lone outdoorsman
what about discovery park in sac? We have had hella meets over there with clubcivic in the past.


so whats been going on with this meet all i see is a hole lot of jappin but no results lol j/k so really guys what are you all thinking of doing tresure island or sac or whatt?????????? im going to start work on my tg today hopefully ill have the tranny droped today and get it fixed by next week so i can take her on a long ride somewer.(hint hint) i havent driven my integra in 6 months and i want to drive her far for the first drive. and i think it be cool to have two integra clubs meet in one place i mean we are all there for the same reason right


New Member
DarkDB1 said:
There's not many NorCal CI members, So i dont think they will have a problem... I'll talk to the lead organizer today... And 2 or 3 of the CI members have DA's :p
so is it cool for C-I to have a meet with G2IC, Alan? I wonder if the LowTec/NCT guys wanan go, I'll probably ask'm.


New Member
tisguy said:
so is it cool for C-I to have a meet with G2IC, Alan? I wonder if the LowTec/NCT guys wanan go, I'll probably ask'm.
Thats probably pushing it... Whats lowtec?... And NCT, I dont get along with them much... Just high tensions although im cool with afew of there members, Others... Just dont like me...

BTW, Im hosting a meet this Saturday in Tracy at Sonic if anyone wants to show up to that... at 4:30PM.

If it's hot, My house is empty as my dads GF went out to Mexico... And i have a pool if anyone wants to go swimming... Not too many people though, My pools not big enough :)


New Member
OK!!, So the main people on G2IC (me, Tegboi and 90integ) gave the green light for combining CI and G2IC into this meet.

AUGUST 26TH, We are meeting up at Krispy Kreme's in Union City at 8-10AM... So the meet starts at about 12PM, Anyone interested in going to the meet up location PM me.

When you get onto the island you will go through a metal bar'd fence and a security booth... Go through it and keep straight, Go to the end where theres a huge circle in the ground, take the right... go straight and to the right you will see a small parking lot and a chain link fence for BaseBall... We will be on the other side of the field.

Sorry, Nay to NCT and LowTec... No offense, we dont want too many unknown people showing up... NorCal's G2IC is a group of close knit friends, We are welcoming to other members such as CI but we dont want to be flooded with people we dont know... Especially as i can see how everyone here behaves and are pretty cool with eachother so nothing negative will brew up as it would in a larger group.

As this is a BBQ, You guys need to also add to the list as we are...

Here's G2IC's list. (it'll grow).
G2IC Name, Real Name, What you are bringing
G2IC:1-90Integ-Frank- Buns, burgers, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes
G2IC:2-DarkDB1-Alan- Soda's, Chips, Salsa, Plates, grill cleaning shit
G2IC:3-Kanjia-Alex- Hotdogs & Buns, Forks, Knives, Spoons.
G2IC:4-tegboi-Kevin- sodas, chips, cleaning stuff, bags
G2IC:5-ludevtec4thgen- Lawton- ketchup, mustard, spachula (sp?)
G2IC:6-Black Widow g2 - Mistique - Cheesecake! (+1 for the boyfriend)
G2IC:7-Caspergsr - Bryant - sodas, chips, and myself.

Please post in the same order... I will take over from this as organizer for ClubIntegra as i am working both sides :)

Here's the link to the thread....

Also, No Street Raceing in the proximity of the meet, No extremely loud music, No burnouts... Nothing that will bring on negative attention from the police... As this is CI and G2IC's first meet combination, lets make it a pleasant one... So there can be possibly more in the future :)
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New Member
MidniteFreedom said:
PM ya Dark i think i accidently pm you 2 times? lol
hey what else can i bring to to meet? i will buy stuff for the bbq!
Yea i got them both :p

I dont know, Really matters on what you need or think will be needed.


New Member
yeah im the orginizer of the g2ic treasure island meet and i give a thumbs up to inviting club integra to the event i think it will be a good idea we can actually get to know other car clubs out there and make this a really big event so let me say to club integra your invited to

please remember all DarkDB1's rules apply at the function thank you and hope to see you there
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New Member
come on CI this is it! lets get Names of the list and see whos in CI are going!
CI 1. MidniteFreedom-Max- Plates,Bowls,Rice(lol :p),Chips!


New Member
DarkDB1 said:
Thats probably pushing it... Whats lowtec?... And NCT, I dont get along with them much... Just high tensions although im cool with afew of there members, Others... Just dont like me...

BTW, Im hosting a meet this Saturday in Tracy at Sonic if anyone wants to show up to that... at 4:30PM.

If it's hot, My house is empty as my dads GF went out to Mexico... And i have a pool if anyone wants to go swimming... Not too many people though, My pools not big enough :)
i see. the only ones I know are bryan and mike, and the other dc5's in their group. but yea, I was with them when you showed us your car at the T-I meet (dont know if you rememeber :p )