

New Member
august 26th has won and is our date
location is decided its treasure island so this is a definent event set in concrete

Below is the information on this event please read carefully

We have a cruise up to Treasure Island for a meet and we will throw a bbq what i need to know is what every is going to bring please continue the copy and paste bbq list in this thread

This is a pot luck function i ask that everyone please bring something to eat or drink so we will have enough for all Alan (DarkDB1) has a list of what we need so if its possible for you to bring anything please email me or call me, or alan my email is this way we know what we have and its ok if some people bring the same stuff as others just as long as we can make sure we have enough if you cant provide anything please tell us in advance so we may compinsate

We will all meet up At Krispy Kream on august 26 in union city from 8:00am to 10;00am then we will head out about 10:00 after waiting for the slow folks once there we can have our meet and bbq and one fun day i ask that everyone please help in making this a big success
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tisguy said:
c'mon there's gotta be more people!!!! only 4 so far from CI?? trinh?? pugnap?? where are you guys?!
i don't know if i'm going, i told your ass already. i have too much shit to do before the end of the month. i haven't finished painting the new house yet, let alone pack (thanks for the boxes..). we'll see, though. i know i'm super cool and all, stevenson, but you'll do fine without me. lol

Ominous G2

90integ im changing those colors they are hurting my brain. I know thats copied from g2ic might look right on the black background.


DarkDB1 said:
Come on... We need a female to get rid of the thought of a sausage fest :shock:
you gonna pack my shit for me? lol maybe, though. we'll see how much shit i get done before the meet. heyy but my car's hella dirty. i'd need to wash it first. my rims look gunmetal. lol ask omi..he saw :laugh:


New Member
i'll bring your damn boxes to the meet! and you know what, i'll even wash your car lazy man way. the mr clean auto dry lol. spray-spray-done!


what up guys whats going on here when wefirst started this thread everyone was so stoked on having a meet now everyone is magically bussy????? well i know shit and sometimes unexpected things happen that tear scars in ur self, like what happend to me my grandfather past oway at 86 and today and its verry painfull cuz i had just finish talking to him on fathers day and had told him he was going to be a greatgrandpa cuz i just had my little boy. so im sorry for flaking on u guys on this meet i really wanted to go and finally meet some people from the site. well ive meet melt but thats it , so im sorry i wont be able to attend ill be flying to mexico on thurs night . what really sucks is that my 10 day old boy is going to have to meet his great grandparents in a cementary .


New Member
acurals209 said:
what up guys whats going on here when wefirst started this thread everyone was so stoked on having a meet now everyone is magically bussy????? well i know shit and sometimes unexpected things happen that tear scars in ur self, like what happend to me my grandfather past oway at 86 and today and its verry painfull cuz i had just finish talking to him on fathers day and had told him he was going to be a greatgrandpa cuz i just had my little boy. so im sorry for flaking on u guys on this meet i really wanted to go and finally meet some people from the site. well ive meet melt but thats it , so im sorry i wont be able to attend ill be flying to mexico on thurs night . what really sucks is that my 10 day old boy is going to have to meet his great grandparents in a cementary .
good luck to you man. hope everything goes alright though. there'll be more meets in the future so no need to trip about not making this one.


acurals209 said:
what up guys whats going on here when wefirst started this thread everyone was so stoked on having a meet now everyone is magically bussy?????
i'm not "magically busy". i'm behind on packing to move and i have my priorities set. :thumbs up it's like i told tisguy...if i'm done before then, i'll show up.

acurals209 said:
what really sucks is that my 10 day old boy is going to have to meet his great grandparents in a cementary .
congrats on your newborn son. it does suck that he won't be able to meet his great grandparents, but it's all a part of life. be strong and have a safe trip. best wishes.


the lone outdoorsman
G3GirL said:
i'm not "magically busy". i'm behind on packing to move and i have my priorities set. :thumbs up it's like i told tisguy...if i'm done before then, i'll show up..
yo where you movin to

miguel congrats on your baby boy!


Melt said:
yo where you movin to

miguel congrats on your baby boy!
still in sac. the house we have now isn't layed out too well and the builder sucks. plus when we bought it, we got it kinda late so we didn't get to do that many custom things to it. with the new house we're buying, we got it a bit earlier than this one, so we were able to choose more custom designs. it's not even that far away. lol


the lone outdoorsman
well hopefully we hang out one of these times

i was in sac this weekend too ... got my fuckin car stuck on the american riverbed i wish i had my camera so you guys could laugh.


New Member
Melt said:
well hopefully we hang out one of these times

i was in sac this weekend too ... got my fuckin car stuck on the american riverbed i wish i had my camera so you guys could laugh.
haha that would've been a picture worth a million words, or laughs :lol: