"ricer" jokes

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
People in high school can have no respect for a good car. I haven't seen pics of yours and I am assuming it is decent. Based on that assumption, he has no place to talk. Don't let them get to you. And if he starts doing more shit to your car, I know some tricks that can mess his up too.


Boredest Member
^thats how us ricers handle s***... Put on your
hat, roll up your pant legs and prepare to get your feet wet and throw some rice.


New Member
i hate when people call themselves ricers.. its like admitting your racist, or ricist, or saying your hitler or calling yourself the N word... or calling yourself something derogatory. unless your car is some tack cheaply done up pos asian car, you're not a ricer.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
Merlin knows cause he drives a miata ;) and sugar on the gas tank doesnt work with newer cars
Damn straight son!
Re-arrange his spark plug wires
Disconnect his starter leads
Big ass zip-tie around the driveshaft or axles
Punch him in the face
Hot water bottle over the exhaust
Remove his wheels and leave them laid down next to his car, don't take anything
Remove his alternator belt
Discharge his A/C


New Member
i hate when people call themselves ricers.. its like admitting your racist, or ricist, or saying your hitler or calling yourself the N word... or calling yourself something derogatory. unless your car is some tack cheaply done up pos asian car, you're not a ricer.
All of our cars are cheaply done up POS asian cars in retrospect. Even if you put 15k in to your car it is cheaply done up compared to other options. All a matter of perspective.

Oh and comparing ricer to Hitler or the "N word" is really out of line lol. It isn't even close to either of those two in terms of offensive.
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