"ricer" jokes


New Member
go up to him and say hey man got any extra rice for my car. It will get old and he won't make the joke anymore. Thats what I did with the redneck in my auto class and he has a big ford (small penis)


Senior Ricer
go up to him and say hey man got any extra rice for my car. It will get old and he won't make the joke anymore. Thats what I did with the redneck in my auto class and he has a big ford (small penis)
That sounds like it could backfire.


Active Member
Yo' mama so stupid, it takes her an hour to make minute-rice!

....oh is this not that kind of rice joke thread?


Right? Im only a Junior in HS.

Fuck High School its such a joke. Just ignore those kids dude. Every second you spend worrying about what other people think is a second lost from moving closer to getting what you want and achieving your goals. Don't let anyone pull you down and don't drop to their level.


Yea, get to some local meets and make a build thread here. Stay active.on Club Integra it will make your life as a teg owner much easier.


Yea, get to some local meets and make a build thread here. Stay active on Club Integra it will make your life as a teg owner much easier.