new to the car scene


New Member
thx ill check out that site right now in the mean time check this out very funny prank call

hey quick question the guy i bought the car from said he was told he didnt need a bill of sale and also didnt put a price on the title but did sign it am i still able to get the title and everything put into my name and couldn't i put the car as a gift or for a really cheap price to save on the price of the registration?
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New Member
yea thats what i thought, im going to put it as a gift is there a spot on the title for that? or do you tell the person at the dmv?


that wont fly.the only way to get the title notorized is if both parties are present,unless you know a notory that will do it anyway.and as far as placing the price of the car as a gift,im pretty sure the seller has to be at the title office with you to inform them that no money changed hands.


93 Integra GS
yeah I wouldn't put it as a gift. If you do that then the dmv will have to file paper work and you'll have to get the previous owner to sign stuff as well. I would just put like 500 or 1000 in the amount. I put 1000 for mine. My boss gave his nephew a truck and it was to much hassle to give as a gift so they put it at like 300.


shell premium is the best for your car and your gas has detergents that are made to specificly clean your valves and such like the commercial says,but it really and a friend have tested this.for milage use shell or bp,to keep your shit clean and running healthy use shell.these two make their gas in house.most others (speedway)out source for their gas,and its shit.your milage will compinsate for the price difference in the premium.and for your oil,personally i use royal purple.its pricy but effective unlike any other oil.after so many miles synthetic wont do much for cold starts because the damage is already done but royal purple is proven to smooth the cylinders and like other good synthetics it will make your motor run much more effeciant.its the best shit for your gearbox to.


93 Integra GS
shell premium is the best for your car and your gas has detergents that are made to specificly clean your valves and such like the commercial says,but it really and a friend have tested this.for milage use shell or bp,to keep your shit clean and running healthy use shell.these two make their gas in house.most others (speedway)out source for their gas,and its shit.your milage will compinsate for the price difference in the premium.and for your oil,personally i use royal purple.its pricy but effective unlike any other oil.after so many miles synthetic wont do much for cold starts because the damage is already done but royal purple is proven to smooth the cylinders and like other good synthetics it will make your motor run much more effeciant.its the best shit for your gearbox to.
I have heard a lot of people say their cars seem to run better with BP and Shell Gas. All I know is my car sounded and drove rough after I filled up at a firebird station. I now know the rumors are probably true that they water down their gas. I'll never fill up there again.


New Member
ok so just put a cheap price on there. if i do that then the person i bought the car from dont need to be at the dmv with me? being i bought the car from ga, and im in la. i will be going to the dmv tomorrow so hopefully i can get all the answers tonight. i looked on google for info but cant really find anything.


New Member
well i got the car today :) but a couple questions the abs light is on anyone have any idea about that and there is a small knock at the engine anyone know why that would be is it because its so old


the motor is knocking? or something bolted to the motoris knocking? if your lucky its something that might be loose.rev it,if it progresses with the revs its prolly the motor.if it doesnt then drive it,see if it gets worse then. i hope your db2 is cool.if not youll be needing a rebuild sooner then you thought.