new to the car scene


Jointhe Wingless Movement
The best one to get is an actual Acura Service Manual, new they are way expensive (100 bucks or so) but I got mine off ebay used for 40 and it is 100x's better than hanes and chilton.


Jointhe Wingless Movement
thanks ill look for the service manual
It will be worth the search, I have a my service manual which is 1500 pages just for a 98 then I have a little book for the year of 99 and the chilton that was given to me is 500 pages for 94-01 so yeah... loads more detail.


New Member
yea i had a 92 240sx and had a hanes book that helped but i didn't do much with that car cause it was a auto but the teg im getting is a stick so im happy now so im going to be doing allot to it. one question though i never looked will the books give you in detail how to change the timing belt and set the timing and everything i just dont want to mess anything up it has the original motor in it the b17 but until tax season next yr. thats when i plan on dropping another motor in it.


when you get the new bank for a new motor,kepp the b17 dude.and def get a manual.its worth it to get one and look it over for what you need to do.make sure you have all the tools you need before you start thought,the last thing you want to do is fuck something up trying to use a makeshift tool.if your not sure about the timing or just not to keen on the discription in a manual,just search a video online for the steps to set your sure you can find one if you look.especially for a love to have a for her and welcome to the club bro.


New Member
yea i would like to be able to get the original motor to perfect condition but in the long run i think it would prob be easier to just get a new one. i cant say that for sure yet though the cars wont be to my house till the 9th of april i mean all in all the engine doesnt look to bad at all really but when i asked the owner when the last time they changed the timing belt and they said i dont know when the last time was i never changed it lets me know that they never did maintenance on it like it should have been done. also quick question i found out the prev owner put regular gas in it and i read where it was supposed to get premium how bad is that and what do i need to do to start putting premium in it. also the previous owner put high milage oil in it is that ok to put in it since it does have 200k miles on it or when i change the oil should i put something else on it? sorry for so many noob questions like i said new to the car scene been wanting to do it d\forever just never had the money.


New Member
so the shipping company picked my car up early :) the driver called me and told me it would be here tonight im stoked i cant wait even though it will be here at like 2 a.m and i have to be up and at work at 5:45 a.m :( i dont wanna go to work i wanna check out the new ride :)


New Member
nice car looks like a good start. not a bad price either, would have been better if you didnt have to pay for shipping. and just to the timing belt/water pump yourself. $30 for a gatorback belt and $60 for a water pump, $5 for some RTV and you're good, granted you have the right tools. best way to learn is to get in there and do it yourself. I would never pay a shop 700 to change a belt, thats ridiculous. honda's are easy and cheap to work on yourself. i started doing everything myself when my clutch went out on my old DA. shop wanted 600 to change it and I said f*ck that and bough a new exedy for 120 and did it myself. Glad I did.


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
Thats a good starting base. Plenty of nice potential in that car.... I don't know why, but I really have a soft spot for the OG B17 GSR motor....

Do you have any plans for it in the soon future?
Wow, $2000 for a DB2, that's a steal.
If you havent done a timing belt before, take great care in doing it right. I recommend having someone around who is experienced when you try it for the first time. Its not something you want to fuck up.
Oh, btw, Welcome to CI. You can pick up your complimentary flame suit to your right :roll:


New Member
Check out for some great advice. It is a Gen 2 specific site. There are a lot of people who know a lot of about your car. By the way that is a great price for your DB2.