*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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The Transporter
G3GirL said:
way to welcome a new member, mark. :thumbs up
Imma smack you!

oh and spike, is that your FD? Anything done to it? What do you have to say personally about rotor reliablity?


Non-Registered User
the reliability of a rotary is in the hands of its owner. sure original motor can only last about 120k and rebuilts last 90k but waht do u expect from a twin turbo charged 1.3L lol its only 1.3 liters and pushing 255HP as for reliaibility i got a koyo radiator changed the rats nest to all silicon tubing,took out the precat or a hks downpipe and stripped all the useless heat soaking plastic out of the engine. also have it tune to 255RWHP which was not hard. rebuiling a engine costs about 1200 for a chaep one. not bad right? only thing i have to say sucks is MPG which is why im probably gonna sell soon and save for a condo or is 350 =]


New Member
G3GirL said:
please don't. seeing your face first thing in the morning would ruin my day.

lol you always have the worst advice..


can kutchaboy wake me up instead.. LOL!


i sooooooooo should be sleeping. work tomorrow. isn't tomorrow a fucking holiday or something?! assholes. i feel like a slave. fucking sweat shop. nike all over again. lol


New Member
sooo uhmm heres my rant...

i work for a dealership.. rite.
so recently.. this really hot chinese/viet girl was hired.. she 19 and im 21..

so evverytime i have noticed she stares at me when i walk by... but i do the cool guy thing and ignore her.. yes just because i drive an integra doesnt make me a rice rocket nerd

so day 1... she finds out i keep candy in my pocket... ( why.. because i lure little kids into my car.. and i drive really really sexy fast.. than i touch them and let them out ) so she always tries to get my attention to ask for some..

day2.. we have one of those civilize talks... blah blah blah about the past..

day 3 day off

day 4... she walks by a slippery area.. and grabs hard tight against my arm like were bf and gf..
theen i blirted out "sooo uhmm ahhh nice shoes wanna FUCK"

day 5 im talking on CI with missing testicles
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