*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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07 BMW 328Xi
faylo604 said:
day 4... she walks by a slippery area.. and grabs hard tight against my arm like were bf and gf..
theen i blirted out "sooo uhmm ahhh nice shoes wanna FUCK"
gotta be kidding me right. if that worked then you are my hero.


07 BMW 328Xi
faylo604 said:
im not a homo.. i just like it when guys wake me up in the morning.. or touch me on the small of my back..
i noticed that way too many guys are becoming a littttle too frisky with each other. :lol:


07 BMW 328Xi
my 1000th post! yay!

all others with 1000th+ post should have a asterick next to it because they post whored. its like they used steroids to get where they are now.(such as mojo) im legit haha. is there a celebration when i hit 4 digits. prize no?


faylo604 said:
so day 1... she finds out i keep candy in my pocket... ( why.. because i lure little kids into my car.. and i drive really really sexy fast.. than i touch them and let them out ) so she always tries to get my attention to ask for some..
LOL. perv. maybe she just REALLY likes candy, though...and not you. haha
faylo604 said:
im not a homo.. i just like it when guys wake me up in the morning.. or touch me on the small of my back..
hahaha :thumbs up i feel the same way.


Unregistered User
faylo604 said:
im not a homo.. i just like it when guys wake me up in the morning.. or touch me on the small of my back..
I really dont know what to say to that... Kinda creaping me out man. lol

Trinh said:
homo. LEAVE MY BF ALONE! lol
TRINH! You finally admitted it! lol


Unregistered User
JDM_Conv3rsion said:
my 1000th post! yay!

all others with 1000th+ post should have a asterick next to it because they post whored. its like they used steroids to get where they are now.(such as mojo) im legit haha. is there a celebration when i hit 4 digits. prize no?
post whore, all you get it a 4 digit number next to your name


Non-Registered User
this thread shouldnt be allowed to up your thread count lol.

and a slave thing. this is true in the society of now a days. thats why im on something that will give me upto 3 extra paychecks a month. ahha and no i dont sell drugs tired of dealing with crack heads who try to hustle handjobs for crack hahahahahaha

just because men frisk each other more and more doesnt mean they arent comfortable with their sexuailty. when your close with your friends u fuck around


Rated R
Kuchtaboy said:
I really dont know what to say to that... Kinda creaping me out man. lol

TRINH! You finally admitted it! lol
omg.... it smells like broke back moutian in here wtf. i know the the name is "anything goes" chat v3.0 but ugh... lol :lol:


RSMisfit said:
hah oh RLY
what else is new
seriously. buncha homos...

lol omg friday night ftwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! haha back out to the garage i go. got paaaaaaaaaaaaaid today!!! WOOT for me! 8)
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