*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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GSratedR said:
And so is my car lol. :lol:
btw i was under my hood today and i put back on a vacum line that came off my intake m/f now my car idles right. woot. just felt like sharing with the world.
i seafoamed my car the other week. that's it. nothing to do with this. just felt like sharing. haha =) smoked like a bum on crack.


New Member
i was reading something about eating goose head pho.. or something like that...

man i feel like eatin some on that shizz rite now.... at this place called

" PHO BICH NGA" hahah yup.. this place really does exist in the west coast!!


^ lol that's mean. bums will do anything for money. anyyyyyywoot. bedtime for me. =) post in SilverDB8's birthday thread, hoochies!! :p


faylo604 said:
hahah peace... i dont know who that is... but .. dammit lets buy him a bum!
BOOOOOOOOOOO! he's a regular. lol you HAVE to wish him a happy bday!! it's the rules. 8) Trinh's rule. haha


ohhhhhhhhhh imma regret this tomorrow morning. shoulda been asleepy two hours ago. =X haha night night, bitches.


Unregistered User
G3GirL said:
ohhhhhhhhhh imma regret this tomorrow morning. shoulda been asleepy two hours ago. =X haha night night, bitches.
Second to that. I really need to go to bed, but this project is kicking my ass!



i should probably be leaving. i don't feel like it, though. it looks cold outside. lol. booooooooooo to the rain! i would love to go back to sleep. rainy days are the BEST days to sleep in. rainy saturdays, actually. maybe sundays. or maybe i'm just rambling because i don't want to leave. goooooooooooodbye!

P.S. i KNOW one of you fuckers texted me yesterday. lol WHO WAS IT?! the area code looks familiar, but i'm not sure. lol according to google, it's someone from north carolina. god lives in north carolina..
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