*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
It's mostly the o-rings (headgasket equivalent) and the hoses that will just dry rot after a while. The vacuum problems are bad, especially on FD's. That twin-sequential turbo setup is just one more failure prone design the to complicate things.
Basically all rubber or plastic. And thats ALOT to go wrong. lol. Odd thing is on the RX's is that just sitting for a little while these things deterierate(sp) quick.


i miss my dogs now.

i was looking at siberian huskies, but i hear those things shed like no other. i want one in grey/white or silver/white with blue eyes. lol they look like wolves. i'd name him 'wolverine' because i'm cool like that. english bulldogs look kinda cool, too. i don't know if i really want another dog yet, though. what if it's not as smart as the other two? okay, who am i kidding? only one was smart one. the girl dog was pretty dumb. i still loved her all the same, though.


The Transporter
Ominous G2 said:
Where can I find a good printable ECU guide?
A pinout? For the G2? Whats the ECU code??

Here is a OBD1 Ecu to look at.

is that what your looking for??

Oh and my dog is afraid of the vacume. She will just run away from it. She doesnt do anything stupid, she isnt a cat. LOL
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Super Moderator
G3GirL said:
only one was smart one. the girl dog was pretty dumb. i still loved her all the same, though.
Interesting comment. The female was dumb and the male was smart.



8urcivic said:
go for it
so how about these...trinh pics
good luck with that. kevin texted me a while ago telling me how he got banned again. lol

why do you guys wanna know what i look like so bad anyway? i don't go around trying to figure out what you ugly fucks look like...lol.

Ominous G2

speedin said:
A pinout? For the G2? Whats the ECU code??
Nah I mean, a guide that tells where the ECUs come from, just incase somebody brings me one im not familiar with. Example im not gonna remember a PCX is an S2000 ecu as easy as I will remember a PR4 is the one in my teg.
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