*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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save a whore..buy a porno
because it helps with the loading process, dammit boy did you momma ever teach you anything? lol


Undercover mod
JDM_Conv3rsion said:
good thing he made that vid. cause now it gives me a good reason to take his trophy away. :lol: im an arcade whore. :evil:
Thats why i put you in the vid in the first place lol...
havent tried to get my trophy back yet


Kuchtaboy said:
JDM_conv-three-rsion! DUH! Maybe if you were around more often, you would know that... Hoe
i have WORK unlike you...dumb skank. lol feels good to say that. WORK, NIGGA, WORK!! at the rate i'm going, it might not be for long, though. =X i'm always late. k bye kooch. i hate u. mojo too. that dumb whore. i'm gonna prank call him tonight....WITHOUT blocking my number, because i'm THAT gangster.


Unregistered User
lol, is that what you call it when you call me in the middle of the night? "Prank" calls? crying about how you hate your job? Come on girl! lol

And I do work. 2 different jobs + a full time student. and I still find time to be on here. lol

Maybe if you weren't always late to your.... "place", you would be on time! lol


if i leave right now, i can be there on time, maybe a little early. if i do that though, they'll know i'm capable of coming in early and expect me to do it all the time. lol yeeeah, i think i'll wait another five minutes.


07 BMW 328Xi
yes yes im fucking jimmy. lol. you're the biggest ^^ post whore since mojo. first time you guys call me by that name.


Rated R
im late to work alot. but now i cant get away with it because im starting a new job in like one week. i have to work realy hard for a while so that later on i can get away with that kind of stuff.


Unregistered User
lol, i figured you're here enough we can call your jimmy. lol

I'M NOT A POST WHORE!........... I'm just friendly. lol
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