*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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07 BMW 328Xi
Kuchtaboy said:
sup mang, did you see our movie? Winki made it for us! lol
there's a movie? damn im behind on updates.

EDIT: hahahahahaahah! i got owned and didnt even know. sad. very sad indeed.
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07 BMW 328Xi
haha! i think you got owned since your name has an arrow! :lol: how the hell did i make it into the movie?
so since i was part of this movie do i get a share of the profit made? which is probably $.00.


07 BMW 328Xi
good thing he made that vid. cause now it gives me a good reason to take his trophy away. :lol: im an arcade whore. :evil:
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