*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
That was the 1 and only challange made in this thread. lol, so............
Except when you challenged yourself to get the thread post equal with your post count. Thats how it all started. so :p


Unregistered User
lol, i guess, but it wasn't really a challange, more of a mental problem of my own. lol, I was just dumb and thought the 6 looked like a 5 okay?!

...or maybe it was the other way around... ah who cares, either way, I win. lol


The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
lol, i guess, but it wasn't really a challange, more of a mental problem of my own. lol, I was just dumb and thought the 6 looked like a 5 okay?!

...or maybe it was the other way around... ah who cares, either way, I win. lol
You Win, I Win, dc2 Wins, Ass and Tittys Wins, and dancing woots Win everything


Unregistered User
damn.. its just started rainning kind of hard... I hope my car doesn't leak tonight... some dick face hit my door in the parking lot and it caused one of the hinges to lose a bushing and now my door doesn't sit even... Fuckers, something else i have to pay for now...


The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
damn.. its just started rainning kind of hard... I hope my car doesn't leak tonight... some dick face hit my door in the parking lot and it caused one of the hinges to lose a bushing and now my door doesn't sit even... Fuckers, something else i have to pay for now...
Try having a 9 (almost 10) year old convertable :roll:


Unregistered User
did you guys know about Shift+tab?

ya know how when your not using a mouse and you tab thru everything and manage to go 1 more spot than you needed too? shift+tab goes backwards! lol. Just found that, thought it was kind neat


Super Moderator
Kuchtaboy said:
did you guys know about Shift+tab?

ya know how when your not using a mouse and you tab thru everything and manage to go 1 more spot than you needed too? shift+tab goes backwards! lol. Just found that, thought it was kind neat
Uh, Yeah! Why else would the TAB button have arrows pointing both ways :lol:


Unregistered User
Aight, I'm tired, and i have to drive tomorrow so i better go to bed. Later gents, It was nice typing to you both! lol

always remember, re-read what you type before posting to check for typographical errors! lol



Unregistered User

we're on a roll! lol

Sorry, i didn't know... f u guys, always gadda rain on my parade!

I'm out dawg! peace!
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