*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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i didn't even know CI had an arcade section until i went into my user's setting and it said "edit arcade" something. lol niiice. too bad we don't have scrabble or pool on here. i'd whoop all your asses.

p.s. my phone broke this morning. :( the screen just blacked out. luckily we have a buncha cell phones lying around. i needa try to fix it, though. i have hella shit on my phone that i want to send over to the new one. hella picturesssssssssss, ringtones, and a few numbers i didn't save onto my SIM card. AHHHHHHHHH!! okie i'm done.


Unregistered User
speedin said:
Am i the only one who cares JDM_Conv3rsion has all the records? I suck at these games. someone who is good take some spots away from him. He spent about 2 hours playng already!
I had one for a little. He just has no life, thats about it.


New Member
pic with the charger stand.


and no i did not pay that price on the link at nokia. i got it for 300 off someone on craigslist brand new and come with 2 battery,car charger, and assersocies


Unregistered User
sweet! i need a new phone, but not one for $300. lol

I wanna get that CRAZR when my plan is up. I like the whole MP3 Idea
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