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  1. r0g3r16

    What Engine set up to go with in my Teggy?

    about milling idk. for the lsvtec u need to get new head bolts the vtec head, and pick which one, adjustable cam gears lsvtec oil line kit head gasket and youll have to plug up the old dowel pin hole. theres this real good write up about that explains everything in detail

  2. r0g3r16

    What Engine set up to go with in my Teggy?

    lsvtec has more torque than a gsr, so i like lsvtec better. if you already have an ls itll be cheaper to do lsvtec, a bit complicated but not impossible. the timing will probably be the most difficult part.
  3. r0g3r16

    what's your stupid reason for getting pulled over?

    i got pulled over for not putting my turn signal when i pulled into my driveway at midnight with no cars around.. i live in a little side street
  4. r0g3r16

    I think my transmission went

    depends how much you wanna boost. you should be fine with stock internals if your running low psi.
  5. r0g3r16

    Noobie in SoCal

    dam crazy ass story glad you got your car back and welcome to clubintegra
  6. r0g3r16

    whitfiled racing

    any one in the rancho cucamonga riverside pomona area aver taken there cars to this shop? i wanted to take my car there to get the lsvtec done but not sure how good there shop is.
  7. r0g3r16

    2nd Gen Roll Call!

    i have a 1990 ls that i bought with a blown motor and swapped in another b18a, i just use it as a dd
  8. r0g3r16

    Hey clubintegra

    haha i didnt no there were so was this many local drivers on clubintegra, really should start something down here. i love cars and meets but suck that none of my friends know anything about cars
  9. r0g3r16

    Hey clubintegra

    haha o shit crazy stuff.. and i stay near da 210 and citris. we should start a meet or cruise or somethin
  10. r0g3r16

    build list questions

    what trim size is that turbo? im not an expert on turbo but a turbo from a motor that big might take to long to spool up

  11. r0g3r16

    Hey clubintegra

    car looks real clean, usually i dont really like carbon fiber but looks good. im from fontana so close by nice to know some one else on club integra thats in the area
  12. r0g3r16

    and this is why PS3 dookies on Xbox

    haha now i am getting a ps3
  13. r0g3r16

    How much racing is too much?

    wow those were some crazy ass videos, and about the gsr just keep up all the maintance don't grind your gears and i also think itll be fine
  14. r0g3r16

    Post Pics of Local Ricers

    haha hilarious tread. It makes me wanna go out and cruise searching for ricers to post up here
  15. r0g3r16

    Soo Stoked.

    sounds great good luck with it
  16. r0g3r16

    oil pressure gauge

    any one know if the pressure really could be that high?
  17. r0g3r16

    oil pressure gauge

    i install an oil gauge on my car but it says that at idle my oil pressure is at about 80psi, and past 3k its about 95psi. could that really be possible or could the gauge be messing up? and also i installed it using a filter sandwhich plate idk if it matters.
  18. r0g3r16

    Would this be safe?

    they do sell that kit but u still have to get a vtec head from a vtec motor, plus a few other parts.
  19. r0g3r16

    My 99 Teggy Build

    yea i heard there pretty good also, i just dont no if itll be ok to drive the car an hour with out it being tuned
  20. r0g3r16

    Show Off Your White Tegs

    well figured ill post up mine also see what every one thinks, still have alot to do to it tho but here it is so far