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  1. r0g3r16

    doin the head swap

    gsr is supposed to have better cams and higher compression, while the b16 flows better. personally i like b16 head. shops have told me that it doesnt matter which head you pick if your planning on building the head tho

  2. r0g3r16

    Too Ricer?

    dope i wanna see it as soon as it gets repainted
  3. r0g3r16

    SCAMMER ALERT - RHD-Darius aka Robert in Huntington Beach, California

    i think he put 3 different posts in 1.... still real confusing
  4. r0g3r16

    answer me this...

    so wat is "it"?
  5. r0g3r16

    Post Pics of Local Ricers

    haha finally found some
  6. r0g3r16


    dam dats real crazy....didnt think stuff like that would happen
  7. r0g3r16

    how long have you had your ls vtec

    im curious about this to. i just got my lsvtec done today. i heard as long as u dont rev to high and take care of it itll last just as long as a stock motor
  8. r0g3r16

    New 96 Rs

    we need some pics!!!!!!
  9. r0g3r16

    NEED money!

    haha i would buy 1
  10. r0g3r16

    First time Teg owner

    nice ass teg the paint is real nice

  11. r0g3r16

    For those with the DDM tuning HID kit

    :shock: dam wen i got mine i had to pay 80:( it was awhile ago tho
  12. r0g3r16

    r33 rb25det swap

    wow that tranny looks HUGE!!!
  13. r0g3r16

    easy stupid question

    would spray paint last a good while tho?
  14. r0g3r16

    Losing control when VTEC engages?

    haha i be going down to oceanside almost every week, never seen you around tho
  15. r0g3r16

    seatbelt beeper

    mine beeps also on my DA, even tho i wear my seatbelt
  16. r0g3r16

    Any other bagged integra's on here?

    i got a feeeling your gonna be the only one
  17. r0g3r16

    crackin VTEC....?

    no vtec for me either:( but in a week tho will be the the 1st time i do hopefully:D
  18. r0g3r16

    my custom teg

    nice i kinda like a few of the styles it went through
  19. r0g3r16

    SFW: a bitch caught cheating

    dam thats funny haha poor dog
  20. r0g3r16

    What Engine set up to go with in my Teggy? this is for a realible lsvtec or b20vtec. some people skip a few things, but they dont have a motr that is as relible. some homie go blow there lsvtec motors all the time because they just slap on the head and rev it real high, other homies...