What Engine set up to go with in my Teggy?


New Member
I have a stock LS with a b18b. Ive seen LS VTEC, GSR head and LS block, or just a full GSR engine. How much does it cost to get a bottom block milled & a head? I dont know what i want to do, of course i want to build it but idk if its worth turning my stock LS with VTEC or just a GSR head. SUGGESTIONS! Cheapest way to do it my self. Please & thanks.


New Member
lsvtec has more torque than a gsr, so i like lsvtec better. if you already have an ls itll be cheaper to do lsvtec, a bit complicated but not impossible. the timing will probably be the most difficult part.


New Member
So about milling it, how much wuld u think that would be? & of course i would have to install VTEC cams (Maybe stage 2 skunk2), pistons (suggestions?), valves, valve springs. I still dont get how to convert it into a vtec, i seen some guy post a thread, & is this a do it yourself project? Sorry for all of the questions, lol. Just got my Teg like 2 months ago for my first car & im too excited. :D


New Member
about milling idk. for the lsvtec u need to get new head bolts the vtec head, and pick which one, adjustable cam gears lsvtec oil line kit head gasket and youll have to plug up the old dowel pin hole. theres this real good write up about that explains everything in detail


New Member
Ok, kool. Ima have to read this a few times, make it a few hundred times before I even try to touch my engine, thanks. But u think i should just keep my full b18b1 or swap a b18c1 head onto the block?


New Member
You have to swap eithe a b16 head, or a gsr head onto your ls block to have lsvtec


Yolo Whippin'
you can turbo on stock internals. if i were you i would only build the bottom end and maybe some turbo cams but thats it.