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  1. G3GirL

    Where's Crabs?!

    and i'm not talking about the crabs in Speedin's panties. You need to post more, Cody!! There. Feel special. You have a thread.

  2. G3GirL

    Calendar section

    It seems like the 'Calendar' section hasn't been updated yet. The furthest it'll let me go is December 2006. Can someone fix that, please? lol I can't see my birthdays in advance.
  3. G3GirL

    Random ass pictures from the cell! Haha

    I am fucking bored and I feel shitty. So I finally uploaded some random pics I had on my Plus the picture messaging on the cell finally works again, so yeah. No real point in this thread. Just felt like posting the pictures. lol.. LOOKIE HOW COLD IT WAS THE OTHER MORNING!! I had...
  4. G3GirL

    Go MidniteFreeeeedom!! It's ya

    Happy birthday, guy!! =] Wishhhhhhhhhhh him a happy birthday, bitches. He has a nice car. Well TWO if you count the new one *cough* drug dealer *cough* haha jp party it up! no pictures for you 'cause i'm lazy.
  5. G3GirL

    03dc5Integra's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    funny guy's birthday. haha HAPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY, GUY! you amuse me. :beer: :beer: :laugh:
  6. G3GirL

    CRAAAAZY ass videos...LOL watch me!

    a buncha stunts gone wrong... =X there were a few that made me go, "ooooooooo!!" it gets ugly though, so don't watch it if you're sensitive about that stuff. NSX on dyno, blows his engine...
  7. G3GirL

    JDM_Conv3rsion's 18th birthday!!!!!

    What a Happy birthday, skanky! No beer smiley for you. I don't promote underage drinking. :laugh: :ok: :alcoholic :nono: :pimp: Timmme to go out. No b-day pics for your thread. Speedin or Kooch will have to take care of that.
  8. G3GirL

    Houston Men Rapist this was funny when i read it.....but then it hit me...and its not funny anymore.....i need to stay home more often
  9. G3GirL

    Infant Murdered For Knocking Over XBOX360

    crazy shit
  10. G3GirL

    Pics From The 3rd Annual Texas State Meet

    The Meet Happened Yesterday, had ppl from all over texas and a few from LA aswell...last count as 42 cars there were prolly more than that. The turn out was amazing :shock: so far Austin/College Station/ and this year Houston hosted by me :thumbs up woot! next year (summer of 07) will be in...

  11. G3GirL

    High speed chases, etc...GAY and dangerous!

    so i almost died yesterday... i was in berkeley yesterday and we were just driving down the street when we hear this siren start to sound. mind you we were starting to cross the intersection already and our light was green when we heard it. naturally you start to slow down and see where it's...
  12. G3GirL

    g3teg97's birthday...

    why the fuck are there so many birthdays this week?? lol wouldn't it be funny if i just didn't make him a birthday thread? since he's on here all the time and everything? lol i dunno. HAPPPPPPPPY birthday! :beer: :thumbs up wish him a happy birthday, bitches.
  13. G3GirL

    Kev_98IntegraLS' and steelies_ftw's birthday thread!

    lol i'm laaaaaaaaaaaate for work, but i figured if i'm gonna make a birthday thread, it might as well be in the morning. happy birthday, hookers! :beer: :beer: :thumbs up :mrgreen:
  14. G3GirL

    GSratedR's birthday, skanks!

    Happy birthday! I was going to stop making my birthday threads, but seeing as to how I always see you on, I'm making it anyway. haha WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCHES! :thumbs up :beer:
  15. G3GirL

    Toaster settings

    you guys know how toasters have the 'lightest' setting to the 'darkest' setting? why do they even have the "dark" option if it always burns your stuff? it's not like anyone really uses it. i don't, at least. it doesn't matter what i put in there...bread, bagel, whatever. halfway between medium...
  16. G3GirL

    stupid windshield guy!! you can go to hell.

    i called up this shop and had one of the employees come out to change my windshield since there was a big crack in it (eye level lol) and two more rock chips, compliments of big rigs and really windy days on the freeway. so this REALLY cute guy comes over and changes it, but i'm sick so i didn't...
  17. G3GirL

    My3rdBaby's birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy party!

    lol haaaappy birthday!! im tired. kbye.
  18. G3GirL

    graveyardhippie's birthday!!

    :thumbs up :beer: :alcoholic wooooooooooot! happy birthday! i still don't know your name. HAPPPPPPPPPPPYY BIRTHDAY anyway!!
  19. G3GirL

    SilverDB8's biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirfffday!!

    lol you get your thread a night earlier. i'm too tired. probably won't remember tomorrow. 10 hour workday FTL! ooo i'm EMPLOYED. lol =X wish Khoa a happy birthday, CI! Happy birhtday, pimp daddy! haha 8) You're too cool...
  20. G3GirL

    MoJoJoJo's birthday!

    I told him I'd make a birthday thread for him, so here it is. lol You fag. You needa come back. Happy 22nd birthday, ya skanky hoe!!! :beer: :alcoholic :smileyR: :banhim: lol Here's what I think about when I think of Moho...