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  1. G3GirL

    Hello? Where is everyone?

    Pattycakes? Where are you?

  2. G3GirL

    Happy birthday, Chris Burchett and Dylan!!!

    Haaaaappy biiiirthday!!! Apparently it wasn't the best birthday, but I hope it goes better! :santa::santa::D Happy birthdaaaay, Dylan! You and Chris are twins. No lie, I Googled 'Samurai Blue' and this came up...
  3. G3GirL

    RyanDC's biiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday thread!!!!!!!

    Wish him a happy birthday, guys! :D Haha :thumbs up:alcoholic:beer::beer::beer::hi::hi::hi::woot::clap::santa:
  4. G3GirL

    Retrieving Stock Head Unit Radio Code Online

    Too lazy to search and go through the posts to find the link I found a while back whenever someone asks how to find the radio code, so I'm making a thread. Title says it all. Go to, click on "My Acura" which will take you here: You'll want to...
  5. G3GirL

    klutchDb7's biiiiiiiiiiiiirthday thread!

    :D Happy birthday, toddler!!! Wish him a happy birthday, CI! :thumbs up:woot::beer::clap::santa::hi: lol Ew...I don't even know what he's eating...
  6. G3GirL

    =[ Aww round 2, Ominous G2 AKA Scott's BIRTHDAY thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!11s

    :puppyeyes CI system restore today means Scott's original birthday thread from last night went down the drain. :( I suppose it makes more sense to have a thread on your actual birthday anyway...:laugh: Let's do this again, hookers! Haaaaappppppppppppppy birthday, dear! You is old as a...
  7. G3GirL

    Ohhhhhh yeaahh! OGstackadoIIa/Patrick/Shia's happpppy birrrrthday!!!!!!!1

    :D:mrgreen::thumbs :puppyeyes:alcoholic:thumbs up:smileyR::beer::rice::ban::woot::santa: Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaay, Shiaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! 8) You know what thaaaaat means! lol lolll too lazy to upload a pic of your back, but... lol...
  8. G3GirL

    Haaaappy birthday, konerri !

    :beer::woot::clap: Oh my! I just Google imaged "konerri" and was surprised at what came up. lol :oops: No pictures for you. Haaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday!!!!
  9. G3GirL

    The 'What's Your Name?' thread...

    Could have sworn I made one on here years ago, but can't find it. I'll have to admit that I didn't try very hard, though. lol Maybe it was someone else that made it. Anyway, new members, new names! :D It's a good time to introduce yourself officially and get to know some other members here on...
  10. G3GirL

    Kutchaboy AKA Fat Fingers' birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's been years and I still don't remember how to spell your screen name. :laugh: Kutchaboy Kuchtaboy Kutchaboy ^One of the above. lol Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday, Jake!!!! I Googled "Happy Birthday, Jake" and a lot of pictures of this kid came up...

  11. G3GirL

    Happy 19th birthday, rnhib25!!

    Happy birthday, guy! Still a noobie in life. lol I saw your avatar and see that you don't like ogres...:thumbs up:thumbs up:thumbs up:clap::woot: Wish him a happy birthday, guys! :D
  12. G3GirL

    'Save My Brother First': Boy, 13, Sacrifices Life in Australian Flood

    This news story is so touching and sad at the same time. Thought I'd share... :|
  13. G3GirL

    Happy birthday, Ominous G2!! :)

    Hi. You're ooooold! ;) Haaaaappy birthday!!!8)
  14. G3GirL

    Victim's Trap For Car Thieves Backfires

    LOL poor friend...:(
  15. G3GirL

    Anybody see the Michael Jackson Memorial thing? Discuss.

    Very sad. A friend wanted me to go to the actual memorial with her because she got tickets and really likes him, but eh. I'd be going to support her, not so much him and that felt wrong at a memorial. It was more like going to a freak show for me (yeah, yeah, sounds mean but at least I'm being...
  16. G3GirL

    Pet Python Kills Toddler

    how sad is that? i'd be devastated.
  17. G3GirL

    who's the tallest person on CI?

    i'm curious. lol omi = 6'4- 6'5 who else? melt = 6'7 (i think it was) but i don't see him on here anymore.
  18. G3GirL

    Mother's Day Gifts...

    I haven't decided what I want to get my mom yet. I'm looking to steal ideas. lol What are you guys getting??
  19. G3GirL

    Tokyo Drifting vs. Arab Drifting :laugh: new to me, so i lol'd
  20. G3GirL

    LewmaticDC2's bday!

    Happpppppppy birthday, Lew! :D :thumbs up:beer::beer::alcoholic:thumbup::thumbs up