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  1. G3GirL

    Happy 18th Birthday, Rd408!

    you big crybaby! here's your thread! lol j/p haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday! still not old enough to drink FTL! :beer::beer::nono::nono::nono: wish him a happy bday, fellas! :D

  2. G3GirL

    BIRTHDAYYYS! Kuchtaboy, GSROWNSU, and genesis...

    lol... and WHOOOO said i'm not on top of my game?! crab's just got his birthday thread, too! WITH pictures! i'm too lazy to find pics for three different people, though. lol all you guys have is each other. hahah =] two old timers (kutch and dan) and a newb-ish (genesis), i...
  3. G3GirL

    teg9five's birthdaaaaaaay!!!!!!

    happy 21st birthday, crabssssssssssssss! :thumbs up;):mrgreen::cussing::alcoholic:ok::headbang::smileyR::wak::crazy::beer::beer::beer::beer::clap::alcoholic:alcoholic:alcoholic when i think of cody, i think offffffff....
  4. G3GirL

    Small ass shit! LOL I <3 'em.

    On a quest to find all things small after my Ricola bag, I turned to Google images. LOL GOOGLE FTMFW!!!! baby guns in action! lol i want one
  5. G3GirL

    A Viper GTS that came into the shop

    I was sitting in the office and saw this... So I went into the garage. lol See the guy FINALLY putting in stairs in the shop? lol...'bout time... I found a pic for Cheesenip on the way to the shop this morning, too. LOL...
  6. G3GirL

    Flaws in "50 Posts To Sell" rule...

    There are too many loopholes with the "50 Posts To Sell" rule. I'm personally getting tired of seeing people join to sell, then when they find out it's 50 posts to sell, start posting random BS. I know it's always been an issue, so maybe something needs to be done with it. It should be 50...
  7. G3GirL

    Polyurethane lip bent during shipping...

    What's the best way to get it back to its original shape? Shit looked like a BBQ grill when they sent lemme get a pic. It's laying out in the sun right now, but I'm not sure I see a difference yet. There are still a bunch of ripples and what not. I'm finding it hard to believe that...
  8. G3GirL

    What green is this car??

    Does anyone know? I need to find a nice shade of green. I've already decided against black and white.
  9. G3GirL

    my damn rant! don't read if you don't care!

    You know what fucking irritates me?! Best friends CLAIMING they understand and are there with you regardless when they aren't gonna be! lol Maybe this is just girl drama and drunk Trinh drama..I don't I've been friends with my best girl friend for yearssssssssssssss 10+ and NOW...
  10. G3GirL

    Check Your Horoscope, Bitches!

    me = leo... lol i remember someone sending me this a long time ago. i was cleaning out my inbox and found it again. old, but I still got a kick outta it. if i were an astrologer, this would be the kind of crap i write...

  11. G3GirL

    *Anything Goes Chat* Version 7.0!

    ...because 6.0 just wasn't good enough for Omi... :D
  12. G3GirL

    Pugnap00's 21st birthday, bitches!

    :D Wish Kutch's gf a happy birthday!! lol :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::alcoholic:alcoholic:alcoholic:ok::ok::ok::thumbs up:thumbs up
  13. G3GirL

    Stuck on a Deserted Island...

    You're stuck on an island with absolutely nothing around but bushes and trees (stuff you'd find in nature) and could only bring THREE things with you (no persons, no machines, no electronics), what would they be and why? They have to be single items. A book would work, but a box of books...
  14. G3GirL


    For me, I think it'd have to be dirty shoes and bad teeth. I'm watching the Style network right now and Extreme Makeover is on. I don't know how they manage to find all these people with the WORST looking grills ever!!! lol This guy has decaying teeth that are sticking out at a 45 degree angle...
  15. G3GirL

    Ci Chatroom Now!

    Come chat, everybody. ;)
  16. G3GirL

    Your favorite PS3 games! Post 'em up.

    I went to Fry's and Best Buys with one of my brothers today to get a few games for the PS3. Someone tell me why the HELL they are $60 per game for the good ones?! That's almost a pair of shoes!! lol... Anyhoot. I ended up getting Pro Street and Madden Football '07 (for my other brother, since...
  17. G3GirL

    waaaait....JDM_Conv3rsion's birthday?!

    wait, what?! did i miss it this year?! lol happyyyyy birthday, jimbos! =) you guys know how it goes! wish him a happy birthday, ci!
  18. G3GirL

    Merrrrrrrrrry Chrrrrrristmas!

    Merry Christmas, guys!! :D I hope everybody has a great and safe one! :santa::santa::santa::santa: What'd ya'll get?!?! I don't know what I got. We usually open presents after Christmas dinner. lol... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
  19. G3GirL

    Lifting MoJoJoJo's Ban...

    I don't know where to post it. I figured the Lounge gets the most views from the regulars. Anyhoot. How do you go about getting a ban lifted? People change. He's been a member for very long. He knows his shit. Yeah, he's an asshole at times, but so are a lot of people on this site. I know he's...
  20. G3GirL

    Mall Shooting...8 killed...GRRRR!!! rant!

    The link:;_ylt=Aswe_WuNGb4QFwfZN_0uUhFvzwcF I know we've covered stories like this before, but fuck. This one REALLY pisses me off. Maybe it's because of the holiday season , maybe it's because of the suicide note they say he left...