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  1. G3GirL

    1999civicsi's and tcfridaydawg's birthdays!

    Happy birthday, fellas. :beer: :beer: Get wasted! Haha =) Wish them a happy birthday, CI!! Lazy = no birthday pics in thread again.

  2. G3GirL

    What's your AIM name?

    Updated list of members and AIM names: G3GirL = CaN i HeLp uHOmo 1329itr00 = TyPeR1329 Kuchtaboy = kuchtaboy RSMisfit = RSMisfit138 LiEkjAi = LiEkjAi515 JdmITRCinci = JDMITRCincy Josh = jm66chevy Kev_98IntegraLS = ThrillaFrmMan1la Kamikaze™ = LilDeion3...
  3. G3GirL

    R1DC2's birthday, ladies!

    Happy birthday, Mike! I'll stop being lazy and find pics for the birthday threads now. Here's what reminds me of Mike... ^ Because I whooped his ass in online pool countless times. :P lol ^ Clean (Mr. Clean)....Ass (pic of Mojo)....Car <<because he has a clean ass car...
  4. G3GirL

    Shea's birthdayyyyy!

    lol Happy 20th birthday. Haven't seen you post lately, but I see you on right noooow. Wish him a happy birthday, CI! :beer:
  5. G3GirL

    Winki's birthday!!!!

    Happy birthday, Winks. lol once again, too lazy to find pictures to post. your user name reminds me of a bear, though. a winki bear. i'll find a pic tomorrow. :beer: wish him a happy birthday, hoochies...
  6. G3GirL

    dc2GS-R's birthday today!

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday, old man! haha wish him a happy birthday, guys! :beer: :thumbs up i'd find pics to post, but i'm too tired right now. this will have to do.
  7. G3GirL

    I Need My Rotors Off!!

    lol fuck Napa Autoparts. cheap tools. so my brother sold all his tools and i had to settle with cheap shit. let me show you how my teg is now. sitting on jacks... fucking bit on the hand impact driver BENT. cheeeeeeeeeap shit what do i do now? i want to get my rotors off by tonight...
  8. G3GirL

    maaaaaan kevin, you fucking idiot

    i stood up for you for nothing. lol i just read all your posts.'re so dumb. lol i can't be your friend no more, anh.
  9. G3GirL

    I want to go back to school, but I can't decide.

    I want to go back to school. I'm not sure for what, though. Basically my Aesthetic license = shit. :( It's just sitting there collecting dust. Wasted too much money to figure out that's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. lol Ahhhh!! So if I choose something else this time, I'm just...
  10. G3GirL

    Felony for street racing...

    "Schwarzenegger said reckless drivers endanger the lives of innocent people." wasn't Schwarzenegger the smart guy who rode a motorcycle without a license and hurt himself a while back? lol I'm pretty sure it was him. I'm all for the cause (not putting other people's lives at risk), but a felony...

  11. G3GirL

    Calif. sues automakers over emissions

    ...polar bears or teg, polar bears or teg...i don't know, they're both pretty cool looking. :P
  12. G3GirL

    White G2...Stolen in Sac (Natomas Park) -- Nor Cal

    fucking gay! i seriously do not understand why people steal other peoples shit for!! it REALLY pisses me off. sometime between 1AM and probably 5AM this morning, someone stole my sister's bf's teg right out from their driveway. no broken glass or what not, but i guess tegs are notorious for...
  13. G3GirL

    Free Service Manuals! G2's, 3's, 4's, and many, many others.

    **mods: i wasn't sure where to post this since it covers a few different generations of teggies, so feel free to move to the appropriate section.** i can see these links fine, but a few people i sent them to can't see shit. lemme know if you guys can access them or not. free manuals, baby...
  14. G3GirL

    Temp. needle jumping to center of temp. gauge...

    it's about 108 degrees here right now. i was out doing shit, when i had to go into chevron to buy some stuff. i came back out, turned my car on, and my temperature needle shot right to the center of the temperature gauge, definitely above where it usually sits. i watched to see if it'd climb any...
  15. G3GirL

    Well lookie what I saw!

    just got home and i'm buzzin' like a bee. :D <<<<me right now. okay yeah i was driving somewhere today and i looked in my rearview and this is what i saw...made my friend take the pic 'cause we were at a stop sign and my fucking car didn't wanna go into first. i was very excited though...
  16. G3GirL

    DuPont Teflon Car Care Products...

    Has anybody tried the Teflon line of DuPont's products yet? I saw a commercial for it the other day. The one where they throw a buncha mud on the car in the wind tunnel thing and nothing sticks to the car. lol here's the website. I want to try it, but wanted to see if anyone on here has tried it...
  17. G3GirL

    Miami Tops List for Rude Drivers

    i thought new york would be at the top, but apparently miami is worst.
  18. G3GirL

    Gas: Top 10 Ways to Drive More Efficiently

    i was reading the news and lookie what i found. i'm sure most of these you guys have already heard of or what not, but #2 and #3 are new to me lol...just thought i'd share 1. Nice and easy saves gas. Herky jerky does not. 2. Don't waste fuel. After you fill up, make sure the gas cap clicks...
  19. G3GirL

    Honda Accord Safety Recall: Ignition Switch Interlock

    i dunno if anybody on CI has an accord, but i saw this in the mail today for my little sister's '99 accord. i'm feeling nice, so i'll type what it says here... In March 2005, we notified you of a safety recall involving your Accord [**lol we never got that first ALL**]. The...
  20. G3GirL

    Fuel light question

    when the fuel light comes on in our cars, typically how many more miles can we still go? i don't let my gas get that low, but i'd like to know for my own peace of mind :P