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  1. G

    Car won't start/no electric

    Did you check the fusees on the passenger side under the hood by the strut tower? Theirs a 40A or 50Amp fuse their for the battery. I had once blown that fuse by putting in my battery backwards.

  2. G

    '93: Remove Dash to access Climate Control/Blower Swtich

    Also Have you checked your ignition switch, mine was burning out and would cause my blower to stop working now and then. Had a nice scorched / eroded contact in the ignition switch
  3. G

    Starting issue with 91 LS

    I had almost all of those rubber stoppers crumble and break on me, It even disabled the cruise control, and the one for the brake light switch too. bought new replacement from the dealer it was only 2-4 dollars.
  4. G

    Radio will not turn on

    This is from when I replaced my dashboard wiring harness, but sounds like you may need to replace more wiring than I did.
  5. G

    my new and final DA! and she's beautiful!

    I actually Like those Rims. Something nice and simple.
  6. G

    Temp gauge or thermostat

    I had my wire to the temp gauge brake off at the end of the connector to the temp sensor at the engine block.
  7. G

    Can't find 1-1/2 in dia. Electric Oil pressure gauge

    Is their any books I can flip though cause sorting though all the pages on the internet gets annoying and tiring fast. When the search Results are useless. Or know of a good duel oil pressure / temp guage with 1 being anolog display?
  8. G

    Can't find 1-1/2 in dia. Electric Oil pressure gauge

    Any body know were to find a 1 1/2in or smaller eletric oil pressure gauge with a black face and analog display? I was going to put it inside a 90 integra instrument cluster and don't want to bother with having oil line getting broken when putting it all back together. Or perhaps a duel Oil...
  9. G

    Aftermarket headlights

    They 1 part plastic headlights are JMD. I got some on my car but they need refinished, old plastic or they were spray painted with clear coat thats pealing. They also take H4H bulbs not H4, which are 40-80 dollars for 2 bulbs. Don't know if they make one pice that take american sized bulbs.
  10. G

    cranks but No Spark in my 90 Acura Integra

    And For anybody else who searches, Don't forget that just because the coil tests good with the Ohms test, that it is good. Went on a wild goose chase, cause of a bad coil.It Tested Good via Ohms as good, but was shorted out to ground somewhere. You can subsature your coil for a small 8 watt...

  11. G

    High Pitch Whine from computer? or area?

    I've noticed over the past years I've driven my car, that it will have a High pitch whine that sounds like its coming from where the ECM sits in the floor boards. It tends to do it at high rpms and gets louder as the engine revs up. Also seams to get louder when I have the heater on, Runing...
  12. G

    constant engine rattling

    also securing lose item will help solve some of the noise, but its the front motor mount on my car. it looks like trouble to get to one of the bolts though. Its been that way since I've seen the car and driven it like that. Front Motor Mount image. Last time I had then engine out every other...
  13. G

    constant engine rattling

    The b20b in my car vibrates some things inside of my car at certian rpm ranges, but other than that its fine. I do have a broken front motor mount, and the other ones seam to be just fine. it did have almost 200,000 miles on it when i started driving it
  14. G

    what brake pads and rotors to buy

    Yeah, well the majority of the time, it gets driven for regular street use. So I didn't quite want the brakes squeaking all the time. A little I think I could live with. Also should mention that the car is basically 100% Stock and quite possibly has oem brake lines from the factory. Only thing...
  15. G

    what brake pads and rotors to buy

    Same thing with my car, Groved front rotors and worn out pads. Don't think their metal to metal but not certain. So looking for some new brake pads for the front. I did torch my brakes once coming down a mountain road fast, rotors were warping and peddell was way soft. I had gotten them hot...
  16. G

    ICU oil light issue.

    I did have a problem where, my ICU was bad, the interment wiper blades did work, but the oil pressure light was always on, but after a while the interment wiper blades stopped working now and then, but if you ran the car with a huge oil leak check what Muckman said for the oil pressure first...
  17. G

    Oil Leak

    As mentioned above, Clean all the oil up. Its extremely hard to locate a oil leak when their is oil everywhere. I had a Power steering leak like that once too, Had to clean all the oil up. Then I was able to seat it was leaking from the high Pressure Power Steering hose. So I warped some...
  18. G

    Random hesitation..

    Look closer the wire was only using about 1/2 to 2/3 of the wires the rest where broken. EDIT. Wouldn't Start after reinstalled Wiring Harness, so bought new Cap and Rotor. Now starts just fine, no problems so far on the 50mile test drive.
  19. G

    Random hesitation..

    Finally Decided to remove and tear into my wiring harness, here is what I found, funny thing I Remember seeing these wires like that last time I was tracing a no start issue. For the repair, I soldered in a new section of wire so 2 solder joints, since it was right at a bend and I wanted the...
  20. G

    OEM Engine Bay Wiring Routing Reference Pictures?

    Dose anyone have any reference pictures of the wiring to the engine and starter? I took some pictures at the junkyard but It didn't dawn on me to take further out pictures. My car was missing all the wiring mounting brackets that went to the transmission, and thermostat housing and also missing...