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  1. G

    db2 steering and vibration problems

    Do you still have play in the steering wheel after you jack up your car? You move the steering wheel and then it takes a bit of a turn for it to finally start moving the wheels? Use to have play in my steering wheel, but replaced my steering rack later. They seam to wear out in the center more...

  2. G

    92 Integra/B18B1 won't start after swap?

    Start with the wiring harness, inspect it, make sure everything is plugged in. Check Compression, Check Spark, Check Fuel, Check and make sure you don't have the distributor in upside down (trust me it happens, still wonder how they manage it)
  3. G

    1991 cruise control

    My car has cruse control, just fixed it because somebody changed my dash wiring harness which I just changed back so now it works. You need that dash board wiring harness, the main wiring harness and the engine wiring harness (drivers side is important) Also you will need to remove the dash...
  4. G

    Throttle Sticks

    Disconnect your throttle cable from the throttle body and see if your throttle body is sticking or Check to see if your cable from your gas pedal to your throttle body moves freely. Also Check that cable for damage or melting. Also another thing to Check if all that is working fine is your Idel...
  5. G

    Fluid Leak at Shift Linkage?~!

    I got the same question too, Haven't been able to find any info on how to replace the shift rod seal yet. All I find is listings for the part never on how to replace one yet. Do you just pry it out of the transmission and pop the new one in or do you need to remove it? Also my shift rod boot...
  6. G

    90-93 Integra Wiring Diagrams Complete

    Complete wiring diagrams I found, it don't show location, but it has everything even the abs wiring which the haynes manual didn't have and much nicer to look at, though you have to print it out and tape 3 pages together to get a really nice view. Works Just Download the Part 1, Part 2 and...
  7. G

    anyone got any good wiring diagrams?

    Here Try this its complete, but it don't show location, but it has everything even the abs wiring which the haynes manual didn't have and much nicer to look at, though you have to print it out and tape 3 pages together to get a really nice view. Works Just Download the Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3...
  8. G

    Complete Wiring Diagrams 93 Integra

    Here Try this its complete, but it don't show location, but it has everything even the abs wiring which the haynes manual didn't have and much nicer to look at, though you have to print it out and tape 3 pages together to get a really nice view. Works Just Download the Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3...
  9. G

    What Bulb do JDM Head Lights and Fog Lights Take?

    Thanks Finally found the dimensions of the bulbs too though this is apparently for Saudi
  10. G

    What Bulb do JDM Head Lights and Fog Lights Take?

    Thanks but you wouldn't be able to get a picture of the piece I'm missing or a description? I don't know anybody else with a 90-93 Acura Integra with JDM headlights so I can't look at them and so far have not found and pictures of the inside of the headlights either. And I won't be able to get...

  11. G

    What Bulb do JDM Head Lights and Fog Lights Take?

    Can I get a Picture of the inside of the JDM Headlight of the Fog Lights? It would be Very Helpful in Making the H1 or H3 Light bulbs Fit Properly in my JDM Headlights. Or Which Ever one its supposed to use.
  12. G

    What Bulb do JDM Head Lights and Fog Lights Take?

    I have a 90 Acura Integra With JDM one piece plastic headlights and fog lights, but i can't fit a H3 bulb in to my fogs lights its just falls in to the hole because the hole is too big. The H3's don't fit in my fog lamp spot. they just fall inside and if i close up the holder they just rattle...
  13. G

    91 E Brake and Anti Lock brake dash light stuck on

    First thing to check when brake light comes on with parking brake not engaged, Brake Master Cylinder Fluid Level. My E-Brake light was once always on, and it turns out the master Brake cylinder was low, so low we had to bleed the brakes again. Also the abs light has been on forever, something i...
  14. G

    my 90 integra headlight fuse box does not work!!!

    On my 90 Integra, the Headlight Fuse is just screwed in with 2 Philips screws and its a 50 A fuse, same with the Ignition switch Fuse.
  15. G

    Speedometer Reading way too high.

    I do have bigger tires on it 205-55-R16 though it is still reading way to high. It happened right after i fixed the car when it died on me, and was hunting all around for the sorce of no spark, and then found out it was the Ignitor, so i replaced it with one from a 95ish Honda Accord distributor...
  16. G

    cranks but No Spark in my 90 Acura Integra

    Test your Spark Plug Wire's Resistance it should be less than 25,000 ohms. Also I had a problem where my Ignitor died on my car so the coil tested good but no spark. Also make sure the spark isn't grounding out before it reaches the cap or rotor.
  17. G

    HELP! Oil Pressure mount broke!

    I get a little oil leak at the bottom of the bolt there, and its just RTV currently there, but I think the JB weld will work good for you. So in the feature I would redo mine when I have some time.
  18. G

    HELP! Oil Pressure mount broke!

    I pulled the motor with trany out because I didn't have enough space to work and also I want to make sure I taped the hole right. Now that I'm thinking back on it i think i may have a better way to do it cause it was really hard to get the tap started straight because of that lower part of the...
  19. G

    HELP! Oil Pressure mount broke!

    Yeah I did the same thing Looks just like my block. I may try JB welding my block too. But currently what I got is working just very slow oil seepage. May recommend a slightly bigger tap and bolt than i used. Used a 3/8" 24 NF Plug Tap and a 21/64" drill bit. May also be good to go with NPT or...
  20. G

    HELP! Oil Pressure mount broke!

    First get a small mirror and light and look at where the oil pressure switch goes in and make sure the Block isn't Cracked. I Broke where the oil pressure switch mounted to the block. I had tightened the oil pressure switch too much and I had a huge oil leak from there and I tighten it down...