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  1. Nick_C78

    98 N/A LS build questions

    Want a daily driver with 400hp that gets good mpg? Get a corvette. Put that bitch in 6th gear and cruise. About all I can say on this topic. I will say this integra with around 200whp and gearing is way sportier than you think.

  2. Nick_C78

    Fall Is My Favorite!

    What are these seasons you speak of
  3. Nick_C78


    Dylan would also recommend a valve adjustment
  4. Nick_C78

    Standard Shift Tranny Problem

    I am a little confused... Is this automatic or manual? I know you say its a standard shift, but....The reason I ask is because a 90 Integra 5 speed will be a cable clutch. This means there is no master cylinder for the trans...which means you were checking brake fluid. Another issue is that you...
  5. Nick_C78

    Car starts, idles, then dies, and wont start

    Question, why dobyou have MSD? Did it have this problem prior?
  6. Nick_C78

    fuel problem? maybe?

    Post pictures. Also, fuel pressure regulator can cause the pump to struggle as well.
  7. Nick_C78

    Your integra

    Yours is probably closer to running than mine is to stock. Hahah
  8. Nick_C78

    Your integra

    Charlotte finds that highly offensive.
  9. Nick_C78

    Your integra

    Mine is stock
  10. Nick_C78

    What does BOILING COOLANT and the smell of burnt oil mean

    Don't tell you its your head gasket? Why do you want us not to tell you what it is?

  11. Nick_C78

    How do I manually adjust my heater control valve?

    He didn't hook up the lever? Its just a cable with a hook on it. Why didn't he attach it? There are two sets of cables actually. One goes from the dash switch to the heater core and another from the core to the valve. Depending which or both are unhooked changes how you can manually open it.
  12. Nick_C78

    ClubIntegra Top Lap Times

    2:03.325 (Nick_C78; '95 DC2; Nitto NT01; B18C1; 233chp, 2380lbs w/Driver; 10/17/15) So slow, but its something...I guess. Very mad about my performance yesterday. I will have a video of it later on.
  13. Nick_C78

    First Car

    Layers. Youll want various layers of security. Alarm is just 1 of them. Other options are clubs, kill switches, gps tracking, buying a Yugo. That sort of stuff
  14. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    Yes, just get the extended studs. Itll make it easier to clean off the old gasket too without the studs in the way.
  15. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    Uhh... so your proof that they work well is because the glowshift gauges product the same numbers on a car as AEM gauges on a completely different car? Solid logic.
  16. Nick_C78

    First Car

    Tune up and basic maintenance. Start off with oil, oil filter, fuel filter, transmission fluid, radiator flush, spark plugs, spark plug wires and distributor cap and rotor. After that checks out, replace any leaky gaskets, timing belt, water pump, and tensioner. The gaskets can be changed...
  17. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    They have never had a problem? Did those "dudes" compare the accuracy with higher quality gauges? But sure, what do I know.
  18. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    Firewall with a feed line mounted to sandwich plate.
  19. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    The sending unit will likely die within a year if you mount it on sandwich plate or stock oil pressure location. An oil feed line would be best way to mount it. 200 on everything is cheap. A good wideband is that much alone. Don't expect that afr to be accurate.
  20. Nick_C78

    triple pod gauge

    What brand gauges? If they aren't quality then they won't give accurate reading. You'd basically be wiring up colorful lights