wow i am a dumbass!I think he meant pictures of yourself :lol:
PS - your passenger side corner lense bulb is out lol
oh well i bought it back in august. it only took me the drive from buying the car to get home to learn. i had the basis, my dad had given me some lessons in his a4 so it was more of a refresher course with the integra.Welcome .. That's a clean DC... you have a nice canves to start on .. Good job on learning by your self to dive stick ..
thank youI think he meant pictures of yourself :lol:
PS - your passenger side corner lense bulb is out lol
i beg to differ... 2 hot girls with tegsnothing is hotter than a girl with a teg.
LMAO! no your just a new to us guys on here :lol:wow i am a dumbass!
yeah, that's an older pic. right before i bought it someone had stolen the turn signal and cut the wire, so it took a bit but i finally got a turn signal again. woo.
thank youlololololololol
i beg to differ... 2 hot girls with tegs
LMAO! no your just a new to us guys on here :lol:
Welcome to the club! :hi:I know how bumpy PA is, I roadtripped with a friend, and couldnt imagine having the teg on those roads. Car looks good. As like everyone else said, do research on what you want before you make the leap to buy it. And if you want to turbo your car, do some diggin on supercharger vs turbocharger and find what suits your needs.
On a side note, I didnt realize there were so many smilies!:shock: Had to maximize the page to see em all! Im stoked!:clap:
thanks! i knew it was probably mostly male populated, so i'm not sure how many females there are, which is why i was so hesitant about posting (thinkin' i'd get ripped apart, which i probably would). hah. oh well!hey welcome it way nice to have a girl on her some time !!!!!!!!! clean teg
damn sounds like you got teg mod fever already! best advice I can give you is who cares what other people think of your car, if its "kool" or not.. its your car do whatever you feel like doing... personality I like cf hoods whens it complemented w/ trunk or lip. and adjustable suspension FTW !8)Not too much. It's got a good exhaust on it (I'll find out details on what kind it is later, too cold right now!). And it's got HID head lights. It's lowered, which I can't decide if I want to keep on it or not. I'm scared I'll hit a curb or something. I'd like to put a carbon fiber hood on it. I kinda wanna turbo it, but I don't know if that's cool or not. But other than that, no serious mods. I know it's not very fast, but I still would love to try doing auto cross or something in it (one friend races Integra's and I'm begging for him to take me along for fun sometime, and another friend does auto cross races...I just think it would be fun to try!) Otherwise....that's it. The power door locks stopped working, so that's the next "to-do" item on my list.
haha not really. i doubt i'd actually do many of the things to it. seeing as i don't have much of a job right now and have to pay for college, i can't go all out anyway. if i get the cf hood, that'll be it for awhile. there's just that, fix some minor problems the car has, and get fog lights and i'll be good for awhile.damn sounds like you got teg mod fever already! best advice I can give you is who cares what other people think of your car, if its "kool" or not.. its your car do whatever you feel like doing... personality I like cf hoods whens it complemented w/ trunk or lip. and adjustable suspension FTW !8)
If you get foglights I recommend Raybrig OEM Foglights, they are like 200 or 250 but they are a very quality product and its a easy and clean install. I just put them on my 99 and its one of the best things I have done on my car yethaha not really. i doubt i'd actually do many of the things to it. seeing as i don't have much of a job right now and have to pay for college, i can't go all out anyway. if i get the cf hood, that'll be it for awhile. there's just that, fix some minor problems the car has, and get fog lights and i'll be good for awhile.