STILL fuckin leaking


the lone outdoorsman
ive cleaned the sunroof drain and made the ouput hole bigger, ive put new tails and siliconed gaskets, i siliconed under the power antenna.

I had my friend sit in the trunk while i poured water everywhere .. we couldnt find the leak, but its supposed to rain tommorow.

So ... ive now taken everything apart the right way, and am not going to put anything back in till i find the leak.

The white stuff is coca ... er i mean baby powder.

I think it might be coming from this fuckin thing

this is from right behind the front door looking back ... im guessing this car was crashed and those are the holes from where they pulled out the dent

my poor car


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
seems like this problem is driving you krazy, only thing i can suggest is trial and error and try to find the source. good luck


BBS wanted
Mine's had that same prob but changed the tail's and it stopped but yours looks serious, maybe you should try with a pressure washer and yuor friend inside that might work


the lone outdoorsman
it is drivin me crazy cause it makes the inside of my car smell like ass .... im one of those people who hates it when fairly major things dont work .... or if my system doesnt work those are my main priorities.


the lone outdoorsman
ok so its coming in ABOVE the taillight WTF

up and behind in there

then it trickles down the side, onto the top of the airvent lookin thing

and the water comes to rest down here

so should i just go ahead and get the new gasket since me siliconing this shit in there didnt work either?


The Transporter
damn if i was only their to help u out. silicone should work. also told ya the powder would work ;)


the lone outdoorsman
ok .... so its NOT the taillight leaking.

My friend went to arizona and i have to feed his cats so i decided ill make use of his garage since its raining hella hard here .... so i took my taillight back off and my silicone job was pretty good, but anyways, the water is coming in ABOVE it like i said earlier, cause all the baby powder up there is soaked ... its not coming through the taillight at all!

Can anyone reccomend a good sealent that i can just spray everywhere and maybe that will cure the leak, cause i still cant figure out where it would be coming from.


the lone outdoorsman
my trunk seal looks good, my dad checked it out with me. ..... but that might very well be the next thing i replace. ... but what i cant figure out is how the water is getting from there to where it seems to be leaking in.


check all those spot welds or plugged holes ... and just hit them all up with some scilicone ... i had a small hole in my car under the dash it took me 4 hours to find it and plug it .. you just have to look around ... i know its suck to have water in your car i used to get half an inch of rain in my back seat floor of my car and i could never figure it out ... just keep on looking if its not the trunk seal ......


New Member
I had a leak in my trunk also. I took it to a body shop and they found out it was a busted seam in the metal. They sealed it up nice and tight and everything is good. Oh yea for got to mention that mine is a 4dr and it was rear ended.


The Transporter
Baldy201 said:
I had a leak in my trunk also. I took it to a body shop and they found out it was a busted seam in the metal. They sealed it up nice and tight and everything is good. Oh yea for got to mention that mine is a 4dr and it was rear ended.
that doesnt change things at all :hithead: