Prozon's '93 GS Build


Figured out some of the coolant lines.. having issues finding a few more spots.. uggh I hate this part of the swap..
If anyone has some kind of diagram to show where the various lines go for coolant and vacuum that would be great. (Just the lines that connect parts of the engine to other parts..)
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The engine is in. I have yet to fire it up though. A couple things holding me back.

The alternator still needs to go on, followed by the power steering belt. APPARENTLY you have to pull the damn drive axle out to put the alternator in. That sucks.

I got a little itchy, and decided to crank the engine over.. well needless to say there were quite a few leaks. Every fuel injector leaked- I probably should have installed new seals. I pulled the rail and replaced a rubber thing. Fixed that leak, wiggled the rest and they stopped.. so then the damn fuel line at the fuel pressure regulator was leaking. Tightened that down and it stopped. But wait! Also I have a coolant leak! One of the hoses I put on was leaking. I remembered seeing a split in it but I forgot to replace it before I put the engine in. So damn, now I have to worry about that!

I hope to have all the leaks fixed tomorrow/day after. I plan on taking it for a little road trip next week to break in the engine. I figure I need a few days to test it out, give it a little time to break in, before the break in. I snapped a few pictures for ya too.

Before the engine went in.

The ultimate engine hoist.

Front shot.
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Long story short- I got fucked over on the engine. It's got a bad head gasket at least. Trying to find contact information for the guy, all I have at the moment is his name and email. Hopefully get a number. If I can't, i'll probably be driving up to Puyallup reeeeal soon.

If anyone knows a small Asian named Joe Huynh in the Puyallup, Washington area.. lemme know.
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Well I emailed him, but he hasn't replied. Might end up driving to his house. I think i'll pull the head today and see if the cylinders look good. I REALLY hope the head gasket is the ONLY thing wrong.. I mean I can fix that pretty easily..

Everyone cross their fingers for me. Okay?


The cylinders don't look bad.. possibly honed like I was told.
The head gasket is questionable, it does not look damaged but it does look used.

I'll be calling machine shops tomorrow to see if the head is cracked.


I took my head to a machine shop in the Lacey/Olympia area called Chitwood. The guy was really good, got the head checked out and fixed in a few hours. I will be putting it on soon.

Pictures to come.
Maybe even a test run tonight! (Cross your fingers!)


Sorry I didn't update last night when I was done. I had oil in my hair and so I showered and went to sleep lol.

I got the head on.. put everything together.. turned it over.. and it fired up! I went to bed.
My friend had his car towed to my shop today so I can do some work on that- I decided to show him the car.

It started up no problem. Didn't keep it running long. (Didn't have the exhaust bolted on.)

A little while ago I decided I would do the break in, let it warm up..
I started it up no problem, it did some pretty bad idle surging. (I'd tell you how much but apparently my tachometer doesn't work..)

Then it died. It would not start up again. No spark.
I opened the radiator cap to see if there was pressure built up.. and yes.. there was..
Checked the oil, and sure enough it was full of water again!

So i'm not sure what to do at this point.

I kind of cheaped out- I re-used my head gasket.. it looked new anyways..
Could that have been my problem or do I have a head problem.. or a cracked block?

I heard that with a cracked block you get oil in your coolant, mine stays clean.
With a cracked head, you get coolant in your oil. That's my problem.


New Member
great job on your build so far man, one day this car will be beautiful and fast. it'll be worth all the bullshit in the long run, keep us updated, ill definitelly be watching :)


Thanks! :)

I plan on fixing the little dents in the car. There's a lot of those damn dents you can only see in certain lighting.. If I can get it running right soon, maybe I'll paint it soon!

Figured out why it wasn't running. I will remedy the problem tomorrow if possible. The distributor gear was broken. Not EXACTLY sure of the cause but I have a good idea. Nothing else was damaged. I will hopefully have it figured out very soon.

So if it turns out the Honda dealer has a distributor gear, I will also stop by the nearby machine shop I went to and talk about my head problem.


Well I guess I can't buy the gear alone. Talked to local Honda dealer, they said they couldn't get it separate.. I looked online on several sites and can't seem to find it..

Talked to the machine shop and he told me to pressure check the cooling system, so I suppose that's my next step.

Anyone know where to find a distributor gear?
...I wonder if a 93' Honda Accord would have the same gear.. I should yank the dizzy and see...