November 4, 2008 Presidential Elections!


I <3 2.4l's
Well on election nite on my news they asked a lady if race was playing a role in her decision.."Yes a little" was her answer.


I <3 2.4l's
I agree with Aussie's history rant, and I really wish people would shut up about him being half black. Mainly the news, I will see how the next four years go to decide if he made history. There is a difference between being "the first black president" and being "the first good black president"
If McCain was black, he still would have got my vote. BUT I have personally heard on numerous occasions, Black people saying they were voting for Obama b/c I quote the recent one from the other day " Black people need someone to look up to, we need a leader"


I <3 2.4l's
nothing wrong with voting for someone just because of his race? Please tell me thats a joke?

Black or not, race shouldnt ever come into play for a president..or anything for that matter. I dont care if Obama was white, i didnt like his policys.

House Special

Hope these next four years turn up something good. That's all I can do. This election could've gone either way and it didn't matter to me much which one won. John McCain should've been the pres. four years ago, or eight. Honestly, to me, some of the policies people are griping about probably won't fly anyway, much like other pres. in the past.
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I <3 2.4l's
Fuck all you Obama loving hippies. You're all a bunch of baby killing, un-patriotic assholes who were bought on bullshit. In one year you'll all be complaining about how fucked up everything is and all you can do is blame yourselves.

It's pathetic that a veteran, a patriot, a hero, and a true American lost to some piece of shit who wants to turn our society into some socialist nightmare. It's ok though. All you lazy fuckers on welfare will have it made. You're welcome ahead of time for me paying your phone and cable bill.
I copied and pasted that and taped it to the bullitin bored at work


If you weren't going to vote in the first place, then you're missing the whole point of an election and you're being a hypocrite since you keep saying things about change and voting and the system.

It is not wrong to point out that you're 17, because it is a fact that you are 17, information which you supplied yourself. If you're going to come on here and talk about how you know so much about history and the system and life, it is perfectly legitimate for someone to question your age and your experience. A 17 year old, in most cases, has not or has just graduated from high school, has not held a full time job for very long, if at all, most likely still lives and/or is supported by their parents, and has very little life experience. Making an informed decision about our government and our elected officials and forming an educated opinion about history takes a lot more than a few high school history classes whose content, by the way, is highly controlled by the government.

While we're on the subject of school, if you're going to personally attack someone by telling them to go to school and take some classes, you should probably start with yourself and your atrocious grammar and spelling and your obvious lack of historical and civic knowledge. You have a lot to learn about a lot of things but you could do yourself and everyone here a big favor by taking a little time to think before you type and have a little more respect for people who are trying to bring a little light into your obviously dark sheltered existence. Sorry, but if you're going to come play with the adults, you should probably learn to represent yourself a little better and get over the immature name calling and personal attacks.

I don't expect that this is going to make any difference to you, in fact, you probably won't even read it and will just resort, once again, to a stream of misspelled insults. In any case, the fact remains that this is America and we, as citizens, are all guaranteed rights under our Constitution, including the right to free speech to say and think what we want about people. Rights go both ways though and people need to learn that someone having a difference of opinions with you does not give you the right to attack them and put them down. People having different ideas and having the figurative balls to stand up for them is what made and continues to make our country what it is.
Sorry 95B20teg, I singled you out, but I meant to say that to everyone.
but anyway
Gays are only 6% of the population, probably only half of them are even registered to vote like the rest of the population, they vote mostly Democrat anyway because most believe in the lie that Republicans hate gays, I doubt any increase in the gay vote was much of a factor getting Obama elected.
College kids and young people in general sure as heck did get him elected, there was record turnout in the 18-29 age range. Blacks didn't really vote more for the Dem then the Repub in '08 too much more than they have in the past, the percentage was about the same for each as it's always been - very high for the Democrat. The difference was the number of blacks who voted, the turnout, they finally came out in droves and actually voted.
Obama's machine got the turnout to happen, he had disgusting amounts of money to spend to do it.
Most young people are ignorant, but their young they have no life experience yet, they haven't seen how the world really works yet, they haven't seen 39% of their paycheck disappear in taxes, so it's easy for them to buy into the Hope and Change, Yes We Can, Change we Need empty slogans and feel all good about themselves in their little dreamworld of how the world could be - instead of how it IS.
The best thing about ignorance - it can be cured. Hardcore ideology is alot harder to break through.
well thanks for confronting me!! Im out!! Peace!!


nothing wrong with that
Why does a leader or role model have to be of the same race? Thatst some racist closeminded ignorant bullshit,and also the reason why alot of non-blacks are prejudice against them. I see what you mean,and I can understand there is nothing wrong with being a leader. But my thing is why do people feel their leader has to be black? It seems like they are pushing to stay racially seperated with logic like that.

Hope these next four years turn up something good. That's all I can do. This election could've gone either way and it didn't matter to me much which one won. John McCain should've been the pres. four years ago, or eight. Honestly, to me, some of the policies people are griping about probably won't fly anyway, much like other pres. in the past.

I can agree with McCain being pres 4 years ago, most definitely. I think the mccain of 2004 was alot better than the mccain of 2008 as well.
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Keep on Truckin
well thanks for confronting me!! Im out!! Peace!!
man if you cant take someone telling you how it is, then you have no reason to be saying anything. Look im 18, and i know im young and probably ingnorant to a lot of things. but i also know that i have done everything that i can to look at the world the way that is really is. i have held several full time jobs, and i have paid my share of taxes as a dependent(i know no where near as much as you all who work for a living) and paid some of my own bills. and with that life experience(i know not much compared to a lot of yall) i have tried to gain a real perspective on the world. i think i did a good job as a young american following the campaigns and debates. In the end i personally thought that mccain was our best bet for the presidency... unfortunatley the majority of the country did not... and im sick and tired of all this race bull shit. it has no place being in a presidential election. enough said.


Unregistered User
man if you cant take someone telling you how it is, then you have no reason to be saying anything. Look im 18, and i know im young and probably ingnorant to a lot of things. but i also know that i have done everything that i can to look at the world the way that is really is. i have held several full time jobs, and i have paid my share of taxes as a dependent(i know no where near as much as you all who work for a living) and paid some of my own bills. and with that life experience(i know not much compared to a lot of yall) i have tried to gain a real perspective on the world. i think i did a good job as a young american following the campaigns and debates. In the end i personally thought that mccain was our best bet for the presidency... unfortunatley the majority of the country did not... and im sick and tired of all this race bull shit. it has no place being in a presidential election. enough said.
totally agree with you on this rant. I hardly followed much of this election up until the day before when I went "shit, I have to vote tomorrow"

Honestly, if you actually bend over and read what the 2 candidates have to offer, McCain was the one that should be our president. Obama was WAY to backed by the hippies of our country tho. Change is good, Change is what we need, Change is what's going to save us!

Maybe he's right, but does he really know how to "Change" what needs to be changed? In 1 day I did enough reading to convert me from a college student voting for what the rest of my youth was, into someone who actually cared about what was going to happen to me, my friends, my family, my economy, but mostly my world in the next 4 years.

I went into the voting booth KNOWING that no matter what Obama was going to win, but hoping that maybe the people would wake up and realize what needed to be done. Obama has a huge plate on his hands now full of promises that he needs to find a way to bring to life.

But what's it matter? I'm gunna go buy a 52" tv for my basement... probably quit my job, cancel all my applications to schools, and live in my parents basement the rest of my life.... I mean, someone will help pay for it all, right?


hey guys.. well.. they both promised us lots of promises.. lets see which promises obama is going to succes and i also heard the GOP group are re-creating a strong group.. so they could come back next term and have a good succes.. but im unsure.. listen guys.. you guys mention that im still living wit family, yeah i am.. my dad passed away 5 years ago.. so im actually dealin wit lots of responsibilities.. might not be on a level of you guys,, but soon as life come towards me.. ill have a better understanding of life.. but thanks guys for showin me whats right.. and different opinions from each and every single of u guys.. hopefully i could jump back in this convo.. but hey i got to say.. PALIN IS DAMN HOTT!! haha


Super Duper Moderator
I think it's outstanding that you care about Politics, the Country and all that as much as you apparently do at just 17 years old, and you too at just 18 years old, red98teg.
Just be sure when your out there gathering info on the issues, you hear the argument for both sides. Hear what people are saying and why they are saying it, then you can decide for yourself who has the better argument. You don't want to become a braindead idealogue - someone who believes the Republicans are always right or someone who believes the Democrats are always right, neither of them are always right. Be independent minded, be open minded, it'll make you a more thoughful person and a more interesting person.


I <3 2.4l's
I think it's outstanding that you care about Politics, the Country and all that as much as you apparently do at just 17 years old, and you too at just 18 years old, red98teg.
Just be sure when your out there gathering info on the issues, you hear the argument for both sides. Hear what people are saying and why they are saying it, then you can decide for yourself who has the better argument. You don't want to become a braindead idealogue - someone who believes the Republicans are always right or someone who believes the Democrats are always right, neither of them are always right. Be independent minded, be open minded, it'll make you a more thoughful person and a more interesting person.
couldnt have said it any better.

I still cant belive i was called a racist because I didnt vote for Obama


do U <3 your Honda
couldnt have said it any better.

I still cant belive i was called a racist because I didnt vote for Obama
:suprise:you were called racist because you didn't vote for Obama hahahah wow?? then i must be because im black, & i didnt vote for Mcain...& for anybody to say they just voted because he's black well honestly that just shows how ignorent & uneducated we are right race shouldnt matter even though Obama is "electo- Pres." he could really fuck up more its a 50/50 situation same w/ Mcain if he won..we should already know they make these promises that may not get fulfilled but hey thats life right hahaha...:roll: