November 4, 2008 Presidential Elections!


Super Duper Moderator
Sorry 95B20teg, I singled you out, but I meant to say that to everyone.
but anyway
Gays are only 6% of the population, probably only half of them are even registered to vote like the rest of the population, they vote mostly Democrat anyway because most believe in the lie that Republicans hate gays, I doubt any increase in the gay vote was much of a factor getting Obama elected.
College kids and young people in general sure as heck did get him elected, there was record turnout in the 18-29 age range. Blacks didn't really vote more for the Dem then the Repub in '08 too much more than they have in the past, the percentage was about the same for each as it's always been - very high for the Democrat. The difference was the number of blacks who voted, the turnout, they finally came out in droves and actually voted.
Obama's machine got the turnout to happen, he had disgusting amounts of money to spend to do it.
Most young people are ignorant, but their young they have no life experience yet, they haven't seen how the world really works yet, they haven't seen 39% of their paycheck disappear in taxes, so it's easy for them to buy into the Hope and Change, Yes We Can, Change we Need empty slogans and feel all good about themselves in their little dreamworld of how the world could be - instead of how it IS.
The best thing about ignorance - it can be cured. Hardcore ideology is alot harder to break through.


well im not saying its wrong.. its wrong how he points me out sayin im 17.. so what.. i cant vote!! who cares.. end of story... its not like i was gonna vote in the first place!! cause their both two idiots!! lol but jus dnt tell me to stfu for no LEGIT REASON!!! POINT BLANK!!!
If you weren't going to vote in the first place, then you're missing the whole point of an election and you're being a hypocrite since you keep saying things about change and voting and the system.

It is not wrong to point out that you're 17, because it is a fact that you are 17, information which you supplied yourself. If you're going to come on here and talk about how you know so much about history and the system and life, it is perfectly legitimate for someone to question your age and your experience. A 17 year old, in most cases, has not or has just graduated from high school, has not held a full time job for very long, if at all, most likely still lives and/or is supported by their parents, and has very little life experience. Making an informed decision about our government and our elected officials and forming an educated opinion about history takes a lot more than a few high school history classes whose content, by the way, is highly controlled by the government.

While we're on the subject of school, if you're going to personally attack someone by telling them to go to school and take some classes, you should probably start with yourself and your atrocious grammar and spelling and your obvious lack of historical and civic knowledge. You have a lot to learn about a lot of things but you could do yourself and everyone here a big favor by taking a little time to think before you type and have a little more respect for people who are trying to bring a little light into your obviously dark sheltered existence. Sorry, but if you're going to come play with the adults, you should probably learn to represent yourself a little better and get over the immature name calling and personal attacks.

I don't expect that this is going to make any difference to you, in fact, you probably won't even read it and will just resort, once again, to a stream of misspelled insults. In any case, the fact remains that this is America and we, as citizens, are all guaranteed rights under our Constitution, including the right to free speech to say and think what we want about people. Rights go both ways though and people need to learn that someone having a difference of opinions with you does not give you the right to attack them and put them down. People having different ideas and having the figurative balls to stand up for them is what made and continues to make our country what it is.

House Special

Ok you are ignorant, I don't know if you've turned a tv on recently but every news station and talk show out there is making it about race. "first black president" "Finally after 100 years" "We've been held back for so long" Blah Blah Blah.

Millions of college kids won't win an election, ok then why is that such a major focus when campaigning? How about ACORN registering people on the same day to vote, oh that's not voter registration fraud, or giving rides to lazy ass people who never would have got up to vote in the first place, but hey now they get a ride in an escalade.

Here's the best part. Most black people don't even know their history. All they know is that at one time some of them were in-slaved. Oh shit so were plenty of other races in the past. But the thing is that the other races got over it and moved on. Most of the black people still use it as an excuse to sit on their ass all day and not do anything with their life. They want a handout, but it's Americas fault because we keep giving it to them. Africans had black people as slaves in Africa. They decided to bring black people over here and sell them. Why don't they try to have all the rich Africans pay for their college because they sold them as slaves? You know my family hasn't even been here for 100 years. My Wife's hasn't been here for over 60 years. Now why should we have to deal with all this crap because at one time some black people were in-slaved?

Here is something messed up. During world war two hundreds of thousands of Japanese people were taken from their homes, made prisoners, and sent to holding camps in the middle of the desert (Arizona, New Mexico). They were held there until the end of the war. Most lost their houses and jobs and some their families. That was in modern times, not the civil era. I don't hear them complaining, I don't hear them wanting America to give them a free ride though life. Oh that's cause they got over it and decided, Hey we're better than that, lets show them and become even more successful then we were.

You know, I've watched two major cities deteriorate in my short life, Philadelphia and Allentown. Why because of crime, drugs, gangs, shootings, raping, etc. Why did they end up that way? I don't know, but if you go their and see who's living there you might have an idea.

Maybe I'm ignorant or maybe not. Maybe I'm just fed up with all the crap. But hey I'm just a Croatian-American, what the hell do I know.

BTW, your state voted Republican
Yea, TV makes it a big deal because it is a milestone, but that doesn't mean people have to go in an uproar and start treating each other like shit. So what if my state voted republican, that's the majority. If you'd ever been to SC then you'd know this state is mostly redneck and has been Republican for a long time.

Also, I never complained about being enslaved and whatever else you said. I think people should start treating people equally, nevermind the race of the president.

Ever since Tuesday white people here don't talk to anyone anymore, like they don't acknowledge anyone exists besides them. Yes they're angry.

About Philadephia. You act like white people aren't in gangs, don't do drugs, don't rape people. They just get lighter sentences. I know the statistics and a lot of black people need to do better and if those individuals never thought about, now is their chance. This is a wake up call to a lot of people to change their lives or else the "hope" will have gone in vain.

To the Escalade comment, they've been getting high-dollar cars, before welfare and other assistances. People who want those things will always get them, whether legally or illegally. That's not Obama's fault. Blame others who came before him for not putting a stop to it. I work hard just as much as you or harder and share some sentiments regarding people who abuse the system but being angry at black people isn't going to make it better. White people use welfare as well and ride donks and all that other bullshit just the same, they're just stereotyped as rich kids trying to fit in.

I mean you basically kind of make my point. You seemed like a cool dude until now, though you still may be. Don't be upset because he's been elected. See what's going to happen. I swear man, though I don't know you, it bothers me that people are so angry over something that hasn't happened yet.

This isn't an attack. I'm just shedding my views on what you said and maybe offering another take on it because like I said, I'd hate to see this country to divide further on some bullshit.
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Ominous G2

I agree with Aussie's history rant, and I really wish people would shut up about him being half black. Mainly the news, I will see how the next four years go to decide if he made history. There is a difference between being "the first black president" and being "the first good black president"

House Special

I agree with Aussie's history rant, and I really wish people would shut up about him being half black. Mainly the news, I will see how the next four years go to decide if he made history. There is a difference between being "the first black president" and being "the first good black president"
exactly. What I was telling Aussie is that I don't buy into the race hype. I have other reasons as to why I voted but of course we're all going to make it racial and start finger pointing. This is what I was afraid of happening, especially where I live.

The history rant is legit, except it was unwarranted.

Ominous G2

Well when MSNBC shows a bunch of crying black people yelling finally, that slightly annoys me. Mainly because it never stops, then everybody they interview is black too.


Super Moderator
The media and African Obama supporters have created the race hype. Everyone I know could careless what race he is. But they are the ones going on and on about it and putting out in everyones face. They would be better off praising him for his political beliefs, accomplishments and goals instead of praising him for being the first African president. The liberal media and his African supporters have pulled the race issue out of the closet and put it in the mainstream spotlight when it obviously doesn't matter, or else we wouldn't have millions of voters on his side.

They whine and cry that it's not a race issue but then turn around and are the first to bring racial comments into the topic when it has nothing to do with the presidency

I think I have only one friend who has even mentioned race. One of my black friends called me yesterday and just to ask me, "what the hell is wrong with all you (white) people voting for Obama. I was counting on all of ya'll to keep him out of office, now look what ya'll have done!" lol. I couldn't do much but laugh.
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House Special

Most people they show on TV crying are the ones who have lived through segregation in America. Putting yourself in their shoes would help you better understand where the tears come from. Sure "this one" had it worse than "that one" and so forth but who's to say you have to have it the worst to feel emotion.


Super Moderator
Well a double standard is the point here. If they want to implicate the "it's not a race issue" card then they should leave it out themselves. Otherwise we all know what happens when people are complaining on a double standard. There becomes no standards


I will just say that I can think what ever I want. I don't have to like him and I won't like him. The media skews the views that people see. The white and gays didn't live in segregation but they were crying after he was elected also.

If McCain was elected, the black community would have rioted, bitched, complained about the fact that he didn't make it because he was black.

House Special

I will just say that I can think what ever I want. I don't have to like him and I won't like him. The media skews the views that people see. The white and gays didn't live in segregation but they were crying after he was elected also.

If McCain was elected, the black community would have rioted, bitched, complained about the fact that he didn't make it because he was black.

I have to agree that would have been likely, and I also hate it.


Super Duper Moderator
The media and African Obama supporters have created the race hype. Everyone I know could careless what race he is. But they are the ones going on and on about it and putting out in everyones face. They would be better off praising him for his political beliefs, accomplishments and goals instead of praising him for being the first African president. The liberal media and his African supporters have pulled the race issue out of the closet and put it in the mainstream spotlight when it obviously doesn't matter, or else we wouldn't have millions of voters on his side.
They couldn't praise his political beliefs, because they're so far outside of what most Americans believe.
They couldn't praise his accomplishments, because there aern't any worth mentioning.
They couldn't praise his goals too loudly, because they are also so far outside the mainstream of what most people want: "Spread the wealth", no new oil drilling anywhere and no new nuclear power plants, pull out of Iraq before we should risking defeat, reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, let Bush's tax cuts expire in 2010, far-left Supreme Court appointments, expansion of Affirmative Action policies, driver's licenses for illegal aliens, ect.

Getting people all in a tizzy over voting for the first black President was part of the strategy all along, because that and being able to recite a speech through a teleprompter really well was all he had going for him.
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Super Moderator
I know. I agree. You never here him being praised for anything other than being the first African president. they especially wouldn't say anything about a lot of his accomplishments in the Senate. Some of the his biggest accomplishments on Bills and Acts through the Senate were created and drafted by Obama supporters favorite men, G.W. Bush and John McCain. He wouldn't want them knowing that