I've never seen so many angry/upset white people in my life...lol. I swear to god I walk around and it's like people want to harm me. This shit isn't even about race.
Last time I checked "a bunch of fags and college kids" aren't going to win you an election. It takes more than that. America has decided, unlike the last 8 years where the government decided for us. You should be proud that your right is being exercised. You may not like the result but there will be more to come.
How's that for "ignorance".
Ok you are ignorant, I don't know if you've turned a tv on recently but every news station and talk show out there is making it about race. "first black president" "Finally after 100 years" "We've been held back for so long" Blah Blah Blah.
Millions of college kids won't win an election, ok then why is that such a major focus when campaigning? How about ACORN registering people on the same day to vote, oh that's not voter registration fraud, or giving rides to lazy ass people who never would have got up to vote in the first place, but hey now they get a ride in an escalade.
Here's the best part. Most black people don't even know their history. All they know is that at one time some of them were in-slaved. Oh shit so were plenty of other races in the past. But the thing is that the other races got over it and moved on. Most of the black people still use it as an excuse to sit on their ass all day and not do anything with their life. They want a handout, but it's Americas fault because we keep giving it to them. Africans had black people as slaves in Africa. They decided to bring black people over here and sell them. Why don't they try to have all the rich Africans pay for their college because they sold them as slaves? You know my family hasn't even been here for 100 years. My Wife's hasn't been here for over 60 years. Now why should we have to deal with all this crap because at one time some black people were in-slaved?
Here is something messed up. During world war two hundreds of thousands of Japanese people were taken from their homes, made prisoners, and sent to holding camps in the middle of the desert (Arizona, New Mexico). They were held there until the end of the war. Most lost their houses and jobs and some their families. That was in modern times, not the civil era. I don't hear them complaining, I don't hear them wanting America to give them a free ride though life. Oh that's cause they got over it and decided, Hey we're better than that, lets show them and become even more successful then we were.
You know, I've watched two major cities deteriorate in my short life, Philadelphia and Allentown. Why because of crime, drugs, gangs, shootings, raping, etc. Why did they end up that way? I don't know, but if you go their and see who's living there you might have an idea.
Maybe I'm ignorant or maybe not. Maybe I'm just fed up with all the crap. But hey I'm just a Croatian-American, what the hell do I know.
BTW, your state voted Republican