New to forum, need to decide what year/trim level to buy


The other asshole
Vtec really isn't important as far as I know, Buy an RS! there's not that many around here.


New Member
Wut? That doesn't make any sense. If you have a gs-r, then you have Vtec. What do you mean?
Agreed. Also how in the hell is your 98 obd-0???

Now back to the original poster...Dude when I was 16 I got a 1989 Honda accord lx-i 2 door, it wasn't running and I had to force myself to learn how to work in cars if I wanted to be be able to drive. Taught me how to respect my car. So I have to ask, how in the hell at 16 are you able to afford a 3-5k car +mods? lol Also about your jeep not doing 80, that is a perfect car for a 16 year old if it can't even do 80. You don't need to be going fast. I just don't want you getting some fast integra and doing something stupid in it, so I hope you are mature for your age bro.

Anyways. The RS model gets overlooked a lot because it is missing a lot of the luxuries that LS has like sunroof and such. However now that I am in to track I would personally love to have an LS shell instead of my GSR, now I have to do a roof skin swap, fml lol. But yeah it depends what you wanna do with the car. If you want a good DD luxury tuner car, the LS is the way to go. You can always do a vtec swap to it some day quite easily. However, if you plan on being like several of us around here and end up going to the track (which at 16 I personally hope you wait before starting to consider) then I would get the RS, because it is a lighter shell, and again you can always throw a gsr motor in it down the road.

Also, the reason Samarai is telling you 2000-2001 has to do with new smog laws I believe. He can explain more.

If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.


The other asshole
When I was 15 i had (and still do have) an 83 z28 5 speed 350, Cammed, high compression pistons,edlebrock thunder series carb and a stage 3 clutch.

How I ended up in the Honda game I do not know, lol


Ahhh I sooo didnt want to get lectured haha. I personally dont see anything wrong with getting into a hobby that I very much enjoy and can afford, so how much difference does a lighter shell make?


Active Member
With your budget you can find a nice DA or early model DC. A GSR would be hard to find with the amount you have though. Good luck in your search.


Keep It JDM Bruhh!
Bro You Should Get A 92-93 GSR. There Better Looking Than The DCs and are becoming more rare by the moment. You Wont Regret Getting It!! Good Luck!


New Member
Hah sorry for busting your balls.

Car weight is very huge. A lot of people over look it and then they wonder why they can have more horse power than someone, but person with less power beats them. Power to weight ratio is a major factor in this sport, especially with tuners. I mean the sunroof alone is like 40 lbs I believe, if not more. Not to mention all of the other things the RS is missing. And for those who don't think 40 lbs is a lot, how much does a carbon fiber hood cost you, and how much weight does it shave? Exactly...

Also, I bought my 95 GSR for 2500. Granted she needed some love, but all in all was in really good shape. And only 60k miles on it. Previous owner wrecked the tranny though so I had to buy a new one, but still worth it in my opinion.


Name = John
RS doesn't have a sunroof and LS does. IDK about third gens but on 2nd gens the RS were manual windows as well. Either way RS if you want light LS if you want the fancy stuff


The other asshole
I personally would enjoy getting an RS and adding to it the things I wanted, But that's my opinion, But the LS is from what I've seen in all honesty would probably be the better way to go Because a Lot of LS's have been treated very well.


Yea Im gunna look at some more 2nd Gens and see if I can swoop on a good deal.. Ill post my findings a little later thanks again for all the help


So GSRs are pretty rare and I havent had much luck finding them, but as for other levels, I don't really care which it is although I would prefer the most basic for weight. The main problem I'm having is mainly looking on CL and in the Sac area most Integras for under 3k are beat to shit... Like I know I cant get sompething perfect so Im gunna keep my eye open and have my dad ask some of his connections, he's owner of Ground Control who you may be familiar with if you're in Cali so I'm just gunna wait for the right one to come along. Thanks for all the help guys :)


New Member
he's owner of Ground Control who you may be familiar with if you're in Cali so
...seriously? As in the suspension company? Lol Looks I will be contributing to his bills you cost him because I plan on buying from gc. Dont worry, not gonna bug for discounts.
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Got vtec?
Just be patient, the right car wil come around. Just fyi, an rs has no sunroof, cruise control, unpainted sidemoldings and no power windows so they usually don't look as good stock. Find a nice ls or gs. I was in the same boat as you a few years back; I really wanted a gsr but everyone of them was either beat to s***, modded or too expensive. I bought my 97 ls for 2k and it was babied by its 2 previous owners. Just keep looking around the right one will come around. The ls really isn't that bad, it can have the same opttions the gsr has minus the motor and trans and is still a fun daily. Not to mention it's a helluva lot easier to find a stock ls/gs/rs.
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