>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
new goodies installed :thumbup:I like the new goodies.
so both the rear control carms came in the other day... and wow... they are so beautiful. the function7s i think are half the weight of the OEM ones. the quality on them is fucking EXCELLENT! from the machine work to the bushings... everything is smooth :thumbup: install was a breeze... total like 1 hour more or less. and if oyu know me... i whore it out with pics
here some shots of the Function7 LCAs compared to the OEM ones. the F7s are WAY more beefy. and if i remember right... LIFETIME WARRANTY. everything was a pretty fit. tight and smooth

then the rear upper control arms, the Skunk2s and the OEM. the oem seems to be very flimsy and thin, but that shouldn't matter from its function. the Skunk2s however are more adjustable... not only from its length but also the bushings.

after all the work is done with... is looks sooo purdy 8)

and the remaining work that is still at hand... lol. still gotta yank out the C1 and do a minor tuck along with relocating a couple things in the engine bay.

while i was doing the install for the skunk2s... i noticed i could also do something about the bushings for the trailing arm. did a little looking... found some pretty nice spherical bushing kits made by Blox. supirsed its blox thats the brand that makes them... i could be wrong but did they copy these from any other company? if not then i guess i could settle for blox products
so with the suspension aspect... i think im 60% there.
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