Mirrorimg's build thread


Rattle Can Technician
Just a mock up to see what needed to be done. I ordered a 2.5in flange, and a donut gasket for it.

The piping obviously needs to be extended so the muffler comes out under the bumper.
very nice, i like how it comes with its own serial number


Well-Known Member
Got my flange in the mail today, awaiting the donut gasket now before I go over to the shop.

One thing about the flange though... Its 2.5" ID (interior diameter), but the bolt holes from center to center (called BC) measure 4". The BC on the twin loop is something more like 4.75".

Here is an image of one.

As you can see, there is some room with the bolt holes as they are oval. I may just notch the end and have the sides open to allow for more access. Like this



Well-Known Member
Been a little while since I had an update. Not much has happened, other than getting the Twin Loop installed and getting the car tuned. The car made 145whp on the dyno, without any cam tuning. The tuner didnt want to mess with the cam timing for fear of piston to valve contact. I should have clayed it when I put it together originally, but oh well. When I get my own place and another car, I will open her up again.
-The sheet is in MPH, and has no torque curve. I never got a proper sheet from the tuner, much to my disappointment.

I went on a snowboarding trip early this week, and decided to take my car. I was planning on leaving and driving down to Miami for New Years, but that didnt pan out, otherwise I would have ridden in someone else's car. On the way up, I lost traction in a turn and bounces off of the side of the mountain, in quite a bit of snow. Didnt think much of it as it was rather soft, but when I stopped I noticed my lip detached on the passenger side, and the splash guard hanging.

Well, since I didnt have any tools up there, and was 5 hours away from home, I made do with those zipties you use for ski passes. They were rings, and clipped in, they did not zip all of the way up. Here is the aftermath and the repair. Currently riding lip-less until it gets warmer and I can repair the lip.



Well-Known Member
Would hate to over do it.

Im glad the lip isnt really damaged. I should be able to epoxy the end of it back that screws into the wheel well portion of the fender. The paint on it is... meh. Gets pretty beat up but thats to be expected. I got some spider webbing I noticed today on my bumper though. That certainly wont buff out.


Well-Known Member
that sucks man but i know you'll make it look like new again
Thanks Jim. Maybe not "new" but im sure I can work out a bunch of the scratches on the bumper.

Major stuff is going to be sidelined for the car until I can save enough for a house. A month or two from now I will be ready for that, then I can start thinking about changes. Maybe getting a little civic hatch to put the integra on stands while I re-do the motor, and potentially slapping together another b18b1 for the hatch? hmmm.


Well-Known Member
Will do Stephen. The car is looking rougher and rougher every month. Certainly dont want to take any pictures with you now ;)


Well-Known Member
It was a pretty soft hit. It wasnt that extreme. I didnt even flinch because of the soft powder I saw.

She will be fixed when the weather warms up and I clean out the garage a bit. Or maybe by then I will have my own house and my own garage :)