Maryland Meet? anybody down?


WTF is the deal?? i think some1 needs to just take charge and set this shit.. I say this saturday coming up.. 22nd?!!
Ominous wat u think? Now where at in Hanover? and we'll go early like 10-11 u lazy asses will need to wake up


a.k.a. crabs!
11 sounds good to me (assuming i can make it). but where in hanover? im not familiar with the area so someone hook me up with some sorta address or something i can put into mapquest lol


Ya wtf.. is anyone down for this or no??? Someone think of a place in Hanover. the meet time is between 10-11


a.k.a. crabs!
i guess tomorrow is a no go because of a lack of interest by all you lazy fuckers? lol what about the 29th... next saturday? i say we all find a good spot to meet and chill for a bit maybe take some pics as most do at meets and get food. or bring food and have a little BBQ CI style. but that seems like a lot of work lol. i say we meet at like a hooters or something. but the closest hooters to hanover is in york i believe. again i dont know the area... im just trying to find shit with

july 29th
12pm - ???

(703 Loucks Rd. York, PA 17404)

FTW? its the best i could come up with for now. hooters might not be the best spot for photos but it sure is a great place to get food

Ominous G2

My internet hasnt worked for a while, Hooters might not be open yet. They are rebuilding it because the bitch burnt down. So even if it looks like its almost done, still might not be fully staffed. I will check the sign tomorrow to see if they say when it opens. If you guys want to do it in York thats cool with me.


Ite sweet well at least we have a date SATURDAY THE 29TH!! And if hooters isnt open then we can hit another spot. I say we go to a decent restaraunt with a good size parking lot and after food and pictures we do a little cruzin.


a.k.a. crabs!
those fuckers! i thought i had a great idea there too lol. and obviously york is cool with you :roll:

is their parking lot big enough though? because the one near me is small as shit


Well FU*k hooterrs lets pic somewhere else.. this is ridiculous! Some1 pic a p-lot somewhere in Hanover or something and lets meet becuz SATURDAY THE 29TH IS IN LIKE 4 days!!! come on now a teg meet would brighten up my weekend


If you look at this ongoing thread we've tried several times to set one up.. I'd really liek to keep this saturday thing going becuz we now have a date and time, if some1 who knos the area would just suggest a place then maybe we'd be getting somewhere... But owell i guess no1 really cares, so i'll just sit back and see if anything happens