Honda Day - NJ


New Member

teg9five said:
so basically its me and 94teggsr? what kinda bullshit is that?!
well we tried to get this shit startedbut im still gonna show up in the morn.cuz i have some freinds that are gonna show up in the morn to meet me there from work n shit so teg9five should still show up so we can have a decent drive over there lol ok well ill check back later to see whats goin on cuz i still think theres some ppl that dont ever post anything but read them that may come on down , well at least i hope so later


a.k.a. crabs!
im hoping the same. i still plan on showing up though. i would bring some people of my own but no one else i know qualifies lol.

i just think its a shame i dont have much else done to my car yet to show off haha. im hoping the wiring for my fogs shows up today so i can get them on and working by tomorrow morning :roll: