
Vote for your future mods.

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  • Poll closed .


Super Duper Moderator
Thanks for voting me in everybody. I'll try to participate in more threads. I usually stay away from ones with pictures because I have dial up and I hate waiting for pics to load, and I don't bother with the off topic video threads (or on topic, for that matter) unless it looks really interesting. But I'll try and make more appearences in threads I normally wouldn't bother checking out. Word up...see you around.... :)
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Ominous G2

I will try to get these done by monday. So I can relax a little bit.

So TegSox and g3teg97 will be the new mods.


Super Duper Moderator
Uuuhh...I don't think Ominous is too happy we won, g3teg97.

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Ominous G2

TegSox said:
Uuuhh...I don't think Ominous is too happy we won, g3teg97.

Im just happy there is gonna be some more active mods.
I just hope you guys dont abuse the awesomeness of the mod powers.


Super Moderator
Well, nothing is going to change with me, just because i have "mod power." But there's just some things that I think we should enforce more. Like how you need at least 50 post to sell something as it's said in the CI Guidlines.

Ominous G2

Maybe tonite, havent seen justin on AIM lately. If hes not on soon I will call him up and yell at him a little bit.