
Vote for your future mods.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Transporter
i voted for tegsox also. he knows his stuff and isnt mean about correcting people he just presents them with the right information. i really admire that. i am also suprised i got a vote :shock: , thanks to who ever did that. but this is a good thing. we needed to do some cleaning out of the old mods and let the new ones in.


New Member
I also voted for TegSox. I am kinda supprized that I am not on the list, but then again I have been lurking a lot lately. Damn school is kickin my ass. haha.


Registered Badass
this isnt the most active board, im on here everyday, but i notice i dont have to bump my fs stuff to keep it at the top everyday

i voted for speedin, i havent been on here enough to kno tegsox. good luck guys...


Nobody Listens To Me
anybody else notice that the two guys that have G2s havent gotten a single vote....

its a conspiracy i tell you! :lol:


New Member
I would have voted for you Evil but you seem to be like me, around once and a while. Thanks for the rep TegSox.


evil would have deff got my vote but hes hardely around even tho he knows his non vtec stuff and his car sounds mean as hell


Money Getter
Eviloliv3 said:
anybody else notice that the two guys that have G2s havent gotten a single vote....

its a conspiracy i tell you! :lol:
and they call themselves integra lovers ..... no mod love no rotm love .... :(


Nobody Listens To Me
Baldy201 said:
I also voted for TegSox. I am kinda supprized that I am not on the list, but then again I have been lurking a lot lately. Damn school is kickin my ass. haha.
yeah, i had been gone for a lil bit cause of the busy schedule, but it seems to have slowed up some. i always make my rounds on the sites i go to. so i usually come here at least once a day. i just dont post sometimes

where did you guys hear my car? i should edit the video i have of the recent auto-x that i filmed, and HIN when it was here.


i love g2's especially black ones and umm slikk resurected a dead thread a while ago and you posted a vid of your g2 at least i thought it was yours made the potato sound