*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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CI's not the same as before. too much hostility. from mods AND members. :thumbdown


lol i was here before before both of u guys, and trust me it was good the way it was back then, mods were actually FAIR back then and knew what they were doing


The Transporter
MoJoJoJo said:
lol i was here before before both of u guys, and trust me it was good the way it was back then, mods were actually FAIR back then and knew what they were doing
Those SAME MODS from "back then" think your out of control and going to far. So mabye you need to stop and look, Your the one who changed. not ci.


speedin said:
Those SAME MODS from "back then" think your out of control and going to far. So mabye you need to stop and look, Your the one who changed. not ci.
lol ur a fucking noob, there are no mods back there that are still active, u dont even kno what ur talking bout, just shut the fuck up cuz u just sounded like a retard, there are only 3 mods here now , ur pussy ass, the fairy tegsox and jason.


MoJoJoJo said:
lol i was here before before both of u guys
so what, you hooker? lol you don't get seniority. I'M saying that CI isn't the same now as it was when I first joined.


lol i'ma hungry, i'ma go get some pho

lol @ at the noob trying to talk to me about the history of this site


The Transporter
MoJoJoJo said:
lol ur a fucking noob, there are no mods back there that are still active, u dont even kno what ur talking bout, just shut the fuck up cuz u just sounded like a retard, there are only 3 mods here now , ur pussy ass, the fairy tegsox and jason.
nope, YOUR WRONG! lets look

Mojo - Joined - Jul 2004

Ominous G2 - Joined - Oct 2003

TegSox - Joined - Sep 2004

g3teg97 - Joined - Nov 2004

So omni was here BEFORE YOU! now for the others, 2-3 months difference. So even if omni WASNT here this "back then" lasted 2 months till the others came.


speedin said:
nope, YOUR WRONG! lets look

Mojo - Joined - Jul 2004

Ominous G2 - Joined - Oct 2003

TegSox - Joined - Sep 2004

g3teg97 - Joined - Nov 2004

So omni was here BEFORE YOU! now for the others, 2-3 months difference. So even if omni WASNT here this "back then" lasted 2 months till the others came.
lol what a dumbass, u think they became mods when they just joined? LOL they werent even mods back then u fucktard, u realized that? LOL so the "YOUR WRONG" part goes to u LOL i was here when they became mods, and it wasnt until a long time so STFU NOOB

stfu, i'm eating pho


The Transporter
MoJoJoJo said:
lol what a dumbass, u think they became mods when they just joined? LOL they werent even mods back then u fucktard, u realized that? LOL so the "YOUR WRONG" part goes to u LOL i was here when they became mods, and it wasnt until a long time so STFU NOOB

stfu, i'm eating pho
hold on lemme think about that NO SHIT TARD! But their the same people now as they were then. Hell when I joined this place was fine. And they were all mods. Then you started being a post pansy. When YOU were banned this place was fine. Mojo their is just 1 last thing to say to you. Please keep being a 14 girl on a hissy fit! If you keep going all it does is give a reason to perminately ban you.


MoJoJoJo said:
grey goose + pho ....damn its good....trinh is prolly drooling just thinking about it
lol not really. i just got out of the shower, so i wasn't drooling over much. omg i bumped my head hella hard in the shower, though. then i just started laughing, i'm not sure why. lol maybe 'cause it was a little funny. haha fucking walls keep creeping on me when i'm not paying attention...

gotta gooooooo get gas so i don't have to wake up even earlier tomorrow.
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