*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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god damn fucker haters ruin my nite, out drinking at my friends house, before we go to the club...walked out and my car got egged...went to wash it and headed home....aarggghhh FUCK!


Asleep said:
mojo, you dont even wait for responses. But here's one, I want to eat some potstickers right now
look who came out of hiding...lol :p

MoJoJoJo said:
fucking trinh u better keep u end of the deal!
lol WHAT deal?! haha j/p. like i said...we'll see what happens and how much money i have saved up by the time your meet takes place.

ohhhhhh so guess who isn't fucking unemployed anymore?! that's right, bitches! LOL we'll see how it goes, though. just a temporary thing, but it's gonna pay my bills (hopefully) until i can find the job i actually want. =X i didn't want to ask how much she was paying me because it's my mom's friend lady, plus it's more than what i'm making now lol. this seriously was the absolute last month i could go without working. savings = fucking gone now. relief...for now. 8)


wat ur an escort now? wow congrats :thumbs up

washed my car today, clean the inside too...and air dried my car...at 130 mph :thumbs up
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