*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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New Member
G3GirL said:
shit....total buzz killer on a friday night. i just found out someone kidnapped my friend's daughter. fucking KIDNAPPED her. her dumb fucking ex. dumb motherfucker. she never told me this before, but he use to beat on their daughter. i hate her for not telling me. but shit...her daughter...she's only fucking four. i'm mad/sad. UGHARGH. stupid fuck. i don't understand how someone could do that. :( they better find her in ONE fucking piece. maaaaaaaaaaaaaan i'm so mad. yet sad at the sametime. grrrrrrrrr it's just a little girl. if you want to be selfish and be mad at your ex, then be mad. there's NO FUCKING NEED to bring an innocent child into it............EVER. dumb fuck. i hope they find him and throw his bitchass in prison where he belongs. stupid whore deserves to get raped in prison. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
dang taht sucks yo. Hope they find her and she is ok.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
havent been around in awhile because of school work... but anyways do any of you know whats happenin to my car if it smells like someones fucking frying fish or some shit... it smells like somethin cookin in my bay...

and last night i was taking a turn and suddenly my car stalls and i lose my steering so i went to the other lane (thank god there were no cars) and when i turned the car on again(by this time my car smells like fucking fried fish) when i stopped i heard like a really high squeking sound. so i stopped on the side of the road to check out whats in the bay, under the car, wheels, brakes, and there was nothing there.... what could it be...

i hate having my car smell like fish....
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